// Chapter 62 //

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"Luke..." Michael said in a groggy voice. He sounded tired.

I checked my clocked. It was 4AM. "Michael, why are you calling so early?" He sighed loudly. "Luke, can you meet me somewhere." I could hear him hit something and whisper "shit." "Where?" I asked cleaning my eyes. "Do you know the park near the hotel we went to when we first moved here?" I began to think about how weird it was that neither of us had moved yet. "luke?" I was snapped put of my thoughts. "Ya, give me a half an hour, okay?" "Mhm."
- - - -
So, we met at the park. It was five or so when Michael spotted me at a bench. "You look... tired." His cheeks were rosy because of the cold. "Well it is five in the morning." He giggled and took a seat next to me. His hand slowly moved towards mine until it settled on mine. He smiled at me and I smiled back, so we sat there with my head in the crook of his neck and his head on mine. We did this for a week and as time passed, we began to get close again. I was happy again and every time I saw michael's rosy face I began to feel less empty inside.
"So, how's Mark?" I finally asked because I'd been dreading this question. "Well, I don't know... We broke up." He kept quiet. "I'm sorry  to hear that." But I wasn't completely sorry. "It's fine." He says almost whispering. He looks at me with tears and leans forward, but I stop him. "Michael, I can't. You're obviously still upset and I don't want to be a rebound. "Luke," He pauses and looks up, "you will never be a rebound." So, I kissed him and it was passionate and my heart continued to beat faster and faster.and we sat there, my head in the crook of his neck, his head on mine, hand in hand, watching the sun rise.

If it say Jake instead of mark thats bc i changed it

Chapter 63 Question:
(HONEST) Opinion on She's Kinda Hot?

My opinion: eh

- ashley xx

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