// Chapter 51 //

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luke and i had boxes packed and empty lying all over the house. i hadn't seen such a mess in the longest of time. it was disastrous.

"can you pass me that box, babe?" i asked, grabbing the wrapped up kitchen utensils. he handed me the box and began to put more stuff in his almost filled box.

we'd be leaving for the states in a week and i was beginning to freak out. "luke i still don't know what to do with my life." i whined. "michael, you're still 19 years old. you have a while. calm down." he chuckled at my panic and i playfully hit his arm.

"you hit like a girl." he rolled his eyes. "shutup luke." he chucked again. "don't be such a díck, luke." i joked. "oh come here." he said.

i walked over and he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head. "i'm extremely lucky." he said resting his chin on my head. "why?" i asked staring ahead because the 6 foot giant was to hard to look at. "i have you." he kissed my head again and we went back to packing


chapter 52 question:
what do you hope will happen next?

- ashley xx

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