// Chapter 61 //

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Luke and I agreed to have lunch together without Mark and Casey. The lunch was full of laughter and red faces.
Luke and I had been broken up for two years and I was so relieved that even with him sitting there in front of me, I could still say we were in love- just not with each other. I had never felt so happy in my life.
"I'm happy we did this..." Luke said as we walked out. He was smiling and we hesitated, but hugged eventually.
We pulled away slowly and I kissed his cheek. We left awkwardly.
- - - -
Luke's Point Of View

Months passed and I still thought about how Michael kissed my cheek, luckily it was dark so he couldn't see I was blushing. we walked away and I got into my car. I began to cry. I had missed Michael and his comforting hugs. I missed his sweet voice and wonderful smile. I wanted to be with him forever, but I knew that in the end, Michael was happy with Mark. Casey understood when we broke up later that night. It wasn't like we weren't expecting it. We knew our fate was not to grow old together. I guess that wasn't Michael's and mine ether.
I turned on the car and drove. Ahead of me was a setting sun. Colors lit the sky as I made my way home. A pit of emptiness filled my gut as I entered my small house. It felt lonely and to quite. My world wasn't good anymore. I grabbed a beer from my fridge and popped it open. I plopped on my couch and turned on the television. There was no doubt that I missed Michael, but I guess I needed to find another way to stop feeling this way - or at least bury it. So I did and months went by.
Michael and I made our lunches monthly. He'd talk about Jake and their new apartment and his new job and he'd light up. He'd always ask, "so, how are you." He always added a sympathetic smile. "I'm great." I'd always say (adding a fake smile). And he continued to talk about his wonderful life. That's when I realized that life is so unpredictable. There was no way that I knew that the 3 years after I graduated would be hell.

Michael didn't know that he'd end up with a great man that will make a wonderful husband someday. Hopefully my fate changes soon and I will be happy with someone wonderful.

This song is pretty and i like it and i was listening to it while writing this

I made it to where it's been 3 years since they met and around 2 since they brokeup (so around 2016/17)

Chapter 62 Question:
What's your favorite school subject?

- Ashley xx

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