// Chapter 9 //

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[From: Breadsticks]
[11:53 PM]

[To: Breadsticks]
[12:13 PM]

[From: Breadsticks]
[12:16 PM]
Meet me at the park on 4th street at 12:30
(You respond late lol)

Though i didn't show it, i was excited that luke had finally texted me. Every time my pone would get a text i'd hope it was luke, but was always disappointed. Until Now.

I put on my big sweater and grabbed my phone and began to walk to the park because it was close enough. I got there about ten minutes later to see luke already there. He was sitting at a park table waiting for me. When i approached him a grin appeared on his face. "Hello, Kitten." I could feel my cheeks get hot for a second and i think luke could tell because it got awkwardly silent, so i began to speak again.

"So, Breadstick, why are we here?" Luke laughed at the nickname. "Well, i thought we needed a day out. I mean, i know we just met about a week ago, but i would like to get to know you." He smiled wide and his bright eyes were shining in the light. "Okay, well then, lets go for a walk." I say grabbing his hand. He is startled for a minutes, but soon our hand intertwine and we began walking.
- - -
"Ask me anything." I said as we sat on a bench eating ice cream like children. "Um, okay...," he paused and looked me in the eyes, "what did you mean by you think you want to die??" I messed with my fingers looking down awkwardly. "I might be young, but that doesn't mean i can't experience something that makes me want to die. I guess i'm just unhappy." It went silent until luke began to cry. "Luke, what's wrong?" He placed his face in his hands.

"I'm unhappy too michael! You know other people have problems to! There's more to worry about than a few broken hearts and some dumb mistakes!" I placed my hand on lukes, rubbing my thumb over his knuckles truing to sooth him. "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to be such a dïck. I know there's more problems in the world than my sadness." We sat there for a minute, but then luke whipped away his tears and muttered "i'm sorry" multiple times. So, i hugged him and tried to make him feel safe and okay. I didn't know what was wrong and i wasnt't going to pry, but i knew that whatever it was, it was hurting him and i don't want to see him hurt. I didn't like watching him cry. All the color in his eyes seemed to drain and it feels like i'd been physically hurt. I think i might like him. Whatever this feeling was, i wasn't going to tell him about it. Maybe it'll just go away. Hopefully.

Updated: July 29th, 2015 and August 14th, 2015

(There's foreshadowing)
chapter 9 question:
have you done the ice bucket challenge?

-ashley xx

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