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I've always been the outcast.

Every school I went to I didn't really have that many friends because most people thought I was that weord in the back who had a different color hair every week.

Sorry that I like to be different.

But it does get lonely at times, especially when I'm sitting home on a Saturday and have absolutely nothing to do but lie in bed and stare at the ceiling ad Nirvana blasts through my ears.

Deciding I needed to do something at least I got up and grabbed my wallet and headed out to grab a bite to eat at this pizza place right up my street.

As I made my way up the hill I kept asking myself why even wanted to do this in the first place. Oh yeah, pizza. Finally making it there I walked in and went to the counter.

'Hi how may I help you?' This bubbly guy asked with a styled up blonde quiff and a lip ring, he was cute.

'Can I have two slices of pepperoni and a coke please.' I said and he rang it up and I payed.

'Coming right up.' He smiled at me and I returned the smile as he went off into the stove area.

I stood there rolling back fourth on my heels waiting for my pizza. Looking around the place I noticed that it was pretty empty besides an old couple in the corner sharing a small pizza and a coke, they were really cute.

'Here you go.' The blonde said as he returned with my pizza and coke.

'Thanks.' I smiled and walked to an empty booth sitting and immediately shoving the pizza in my mouth moaning at the deliciousness.

About a minute later and a few bites into my second piece a blonde boy was walking up to me with his own slice and soda.

'Hi, is it okay if I sit with you?' He asked smilimg down at me.

'Um, sure.' I said as I wiped the grease from my mouth confused as to why he'd want to sit with me when there's a bunch of seats every where else.

'So my name's Luke and yours is?' He asked as he got situated and took a bite of his pizza.

'Um Michael.' I said staring at him.

'Oh sorry I'm just on my break and didn't want to sit alone I hope that's okay?' He asked even though I'm sure he didn't want to move even if I did have a problem with him.

'No it's okay.' I said taking a sip of my soda.

'Okay cool, so why haven't I seen you before?' He asked with hopeful eyes.

'I don't really come here that much.' I said.

'I figured cause I mean I definitely would've remembered someone with red hair.' He laughed and God was his laugh contagious.

'Yeah it's a bit of a attention grabber but I love it.' I said with a shrug.

'Oh no I love it too, it suits you.' He said sipping his soda as I finished my pizza.

'Thanks. So do you go to the high school or?' I asked since I haven't seen him before.

'I actually graduated last year and I've just been working here since unfortunately.' He said as he finished his pizza and soda.

'Oh cool well it seems that we've both finished our food.' I said.

'Yeah I guess so, I'm off in a few if you wanna stay and we could hang and talk some more.' He said as we got up and threw our plates and cups away.

'Sure.' I said and he had a huge smile on his face as he went back behind the register.

Maybe I might have a friend after all.


Short and sweet cX

So this is my new Muke one shot book and tbh all I've written is Cake so lord knows I need a break especially when Muke is my otp haha

The titles with the (*) are smut and the one's with (^) are just bjs and mild smut cX


Love you

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