We Found Love

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So I decided to do a sequel to Bombastic Hearts because I really liked it and all of you did too so enjoy but make sure to read the first part since this one starts directly after it (: 


"Sorry I'm late guys, Miranda was holding me up and I couldn't leave," Luke said and everyone was confused as to who Miranda was.

"Who's Miranda?" Ashton asked as Luke took a seat on the chair joining the rest of the group.

"Oh, my new girlfriend," he said nonchalantly but those simple quick words nocked the wind out of Michael. "We just started dating like last week," he said causing Ashton to look at Michael and noticed him with a face filled with confusion, hate, and disgust.

In that moment Michael truly realized that the please from his heart were just a bombastic cry for help.


Michael kept replaying those words over and over in his head.

My new girlfriend. My new girlfriend. My new girlfriend. My new girlfriend.

It was like it was some kind of mantra that made him sick to his stomach but couldn't control. He couldn't get his mind off the idea that Luke =was dating someone, some girl, just after they kissed in Luke's bed not too long ago.

Luke started to tell the boys about how he met Miranda at some bar and they started to talk and instantly hit it off, after some drinks they of course went back to his place and so ensued their relationship. He kept saying how he was happy that he found someone, that he can finally be able to be happy with someone and not be alone.

Michael wasn't listening, he had stopped once he heard the word girlfriend because it all started to become too much. Michael doesn't understand it all, how could LUke meet someone all of a sudden when he basically confessed his love to him? Not to mention the fact that that person was a girl, a girl of all people. Way to make Michael feel like complete shit. He was in shock.

Ashton felt bad for boy, he could see that he was hurting and that he didn't know how to take it all in. I mean he was never expecting this to happen, for Luke to find someone so close after the kiss.

"I'm gonna go get some more popcorn since you guys ate it all," Luke joked as he got up and walked into Ashton's kitchen with the empty bowl. Michael looked at Ashton who looked back at him and before he knew it Michael was up and walking into the kitchen behind Luke. He had to get to the bottom of this whole thing.

"Luke?" Michael asked softly as he approached the blonde.

"Hey Michael," Luke said as he turned around to face Michael who stood in front of the tall blonde awkwardly shifting on his feet.

"So, you have a girlfriend," Michael said in an almost questioning way.

"Yeah," Luke said awkwardly as he trailed off.

"Why have you been ignoring me?" Michael asked.

"What do you mean? I'm not ignoring you," Luke said as he turned around placing the bag of popcorn in the microwave.

"I have been trying to talk to you and make plans with you but every time I do you say you can't or make some excuse, ever since that night in you bed you've just been distance," Michael said walking closer to Luke who still had his back turned as the popcorn popped.

"I've just been busy," Luke said turning around to face a sad looking Michael.

"Did the kiss mean anything to you, did what I said mean anything to you?" Michael asked not sure what the answer would be. The microwave stopped and Luke turned back around taking th bag out of it and pour it in the bowl.

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