Sunday; Morning Love

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No one ever mentions how hard it is to live on your own, how hard it is to have to pay for bills and rent and everything in between. You're expected after high school to go right into college and get a degree that you could in turn get a job and support yourself with. What they forgot to mention is that degree you spent years and tons of money on would not get you a job that pays well enough for you to survive comfortably. Yes you're surviving but are you living? Are you enjoying your life and doing what you love? 

The answer is almost always no and that isn't any different for Michael as he sits in his dimly lit loft in downtown New York sipping a cold soda and finishing a box of leftover pizza. Michael had gone to school to get a degree in art which he know thinks may have been a bad idea, how many jobs do you think an artist can get? Sure he could be a teacher but he would rather not spend eight hours of his day sitting in front of a classroom teaching a class filled with angry and hormonal teens how to draw various shapes and what shading is. No, he wants to produce art, art that makes someone feel something they never thought they would before. But that's hard when no one knows who are you and you're not that amazing at it.

When in art school everyone of his professors loved his work, it had this sense of realism but also played with a little bit of abstractedness, blurring the line between the two. After graduation he thought things would be easier and he would have no problem in trying to get his artwork picked up but boy was he wrong or what. Surprisingly that has never hindered  his work and he continues to paint regardless of the fact that no one will never see any of his work. 

Finishing the last piece of pizza Michael put his soda down and got up to walk into the bathroom, he was getting ready to shower and change to look presentable because his friend instead on them going out for some drinks so he could tell him some huge news. Michael had no idea what the news was but he was sure it wasn't anything crazy, Troye always liked to be over dramatic and make a huge deal out of nothing. This one time he invited the entire senior class to a party just to tell them that he got a dog. You can't even imagine the look on some of the random faces when they realized they went to a party just for a dog. 

Michael chuckles as he remembers that night, god that boy was crazy but he was his best friend and has been all throughout their college years. Starting the shower Michael stepped in and let the hot water cascade over his body relaxing him, he has been stressed out lately because of course his parents have been badgering him about getting a job and asking what is he going to do and why didn't he listen to them when they said to not study art. He loves his parents dearly but they can be a bit much sometimes and he wishes they would just leave him alone and let him do his own thing, he will figure things out eventually. 

As he got out of the shower and was drying himself off there was a knock at the door and wrapping the towel around his waist he walked over to the door to reveal a beaming and smiling Troye.

"Of course you're not ready," he said as he walked into the loft like he usually did.

"Well I will be in a few minutes," Michael said closing the door.

"It's okay, I'm not in a hurry but I am super hungry," Troye said as he took a seat on the couch lazily and rubbed his stomach.

"So, what is this big news you have to tell me?" Michael asked said as he went into his little room area to change.

"I wanna wait till we're sitting at a table but you are gonna love it," he said with a weird smile on his face as Michael rolled his eyes and dried his hair now that he was fully dressed in black jeans, combat boots, and a white t shirt under a leather jacket. "I swear you wear the most random outfits, one day you look like a giant cuddle bear and the next you look like a guy who will punch you in the face for no reason," he added as he laughed and Michael threw his towel on his bed. 

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