Love Me*

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For as long as I could remember I've been in love with my best friend and oh what a cliche that is.

I mean who wouldn't want to be in love with Michael Clifford?

He was so nice and sweet to everyone he met despite him looking like he'd kill you in your sleep. He always helped people when they needed and didn't complain about it.

And he was just so beautiful.

From the way that his contagious smile took up most of his face. His light pink lips that always looked so good and kissable. The eyebrow piercing that just fit his face so well, almost too well. The way that he could pull off any color hair and still look amazing, hot, and cute all at once.

God I love him.

It's hard to keep all these emotions hidden when we're best friends and are always with eachother but lord knows I try.

'Luke, why don't you have a girlfriend? I'm gonna find you someone. Ashley has so many hot girlfriends.' Michael said as we sat at lunch with our friends.

Well I don't have one cause I'm in love with you you idiotic membrane.

'I just don't want one, can we just leave it at that?' I said annoyed raising my voice a little.

'God no need to yell Luke I'm just tryna look out for you mate.' He said.

'Yeah, well I don't need you to.' I said as I got up and threw my lunch away and walked out of the lunchroom. As I walked to my locker Calum had caught up to me.

'Hey you okay?' He asked. Calum was the only one who knew about how I felt about Michael, he's the only one I trusted.

'Yeah I'm okay thanks.' I said with a sigh.

'Sorry he keeps badgering you, he just wants you to be happy.' Calum reasoned.

'Too bad I wanna be with him instead.' I said and Calum just gave me a sympathetic look.


It was finally the weekend and Michael and I were gonna have a sleepover like we did every weekend. I was waiting in my room when he walked in and sat on my bed.

'Hey.' He said.

'Hi.' I said as I started my Xbox like usual and we began to play.

'Sorry for um always trying to hook you up with girls.' Michael said as we played.

'It's okay.' I lied.

'I just, I don't know I just want you to be happy and have someone.' He said.

Well I would be if I was with you.

'Yeah I know I get it but just, just leave that to me please?' I said and he just nodded and we continued to play our video game.

'So I can't stay tonight, Ashley wants to have a date or whatever. I couldn't get out of it.' He said and my mood immediately changed.

'Of course.' I said with a sigh as I paused the video game.

'What's that suppose to mean?' He asked getting up.

'Well ever since you've started dating Ashley you've been ditching everyone for her and I'm sick of it, we're fucking best friends for Christ's sakes Michael.' I said as I started to raise my voice.

'Where is this even coming from Luke?' He asked as we faced eachother.

'It's just that you don't spend as much time with me anymore.' I said trying to control my emotions.

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