Last Christmas

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This was supposed to be posted on Christmas day but I didn't finish it so here it is instead but can we talk about that picture though because holly Muke Santa balls on my face, they looks like such babes I can't ANDDDDDDDD Luke basically admitted that Michael was daddy (not too surprising) in his Instagram pic like I DIED


The holidays are meant to be time where everyone comes together and realizes what they have, a happy life filled with happy people. Sometimes however things don't end up the way you want and you end up heart broken and alone during the season. That's what happened last year in December for Luke and Michael. 

After three years of being together the tole of their relationship took a turn and on Christmas Eve they decided it would be best to break things off and thus send both of them into a quickening sadness. To say their friends were shocked would be an understatement, no one for a second thought the pair would ever end things and not be with each other. Truly no one expected it and still don't understand what happened. When asked they both said they grew apart and it was best to end things now rather than later.

Neither of them would ever admit but they missed each other, I mean it would be hard not to after you've spent 3 years with someone. It's almost been a year and they are both still hung up and upset about it all, but they would never mutter those words to anyone. Luke ended up moving back in with his old roommate and his boyfriend, Harry and Louis. The boys love Luke to death and were more than happy to help him but now he just seems like an inconvenience and they need some space especially since they want to start a family of their own. Not only that, Luke has been with several different guys, and even some girls, over the years and they both know it is his way of trying to hide his feelings to fill some void. Luke was never one to like to be alone and if anything he took the break up hard, too hard.

Michael on the other hand took a different approach. He chose to take their apartment and live alone with their cat Annabelle. Although Luke misses his cat so much he never brought up the courage to go over there to take her or see her because he could not bring himself to see Michael. Michael also tends to stay in, he tried to date once but he was too upset he couldn't make it through the first date and resorted to going back home to cry and sulk in bed, with the lingering smell of Luke on the sheets even after washing them twice.

"We have to do something," Louis said to Harry one day as the two were doing their grocery shopping.

"I know," Harry sighed and continued, "I just don't know what."

"Me either but we have to help them, they're both unhappy and unhealthy. I went to visit Michael the other day there were several pizza boxes just lying around his place and there was a faint smell of chinese food and the last time he had Chinese was with use months ago," Louis said as he remembered stepping into his house and regretting it.

"That bad?" Harry asked and Louis nodded his head.

"I do have a plan though," Louis said with his devilish smile.

"Oh great, one your infamous ideas," Harry playfully rolled his eyes at his boyfriend.

"Trust me, this one will work," he said as he continued to explaining the plan to Harry who was weary but nonetheless thought it was a good plan.


The following week Louis and Harry were laying in bed when they heard a rustle coming downstairs and the sound of a door opening. It was Luke coming home with some guy he met at some random bar he went to tonight, he never went to the same one in a row because he says you meet more guys that way. The two dragged their half drunken selves in through the door and Luke led him to his room, luckily on the first floor.

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