Please Officer*

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I knew that I was risking a lot by doing this but I didn't really have any other choice, I mean how do you suppose I get home?

After the party had ended and I had drinked enough for like five other guys I grabbed my keys and my friend and got in my car.

After finding the key hole I started my car and drove off to bring my friend home. I've driven plenty of times drunk but it doesn't take the nervousness away.

About five minutes later I had arrived at my friends house and he stumbled to his door and I drove off again. I just had a twenty minute drive home, I can last that long, I hope.

I don't know how fast or slow I'm going but I know that every car is passing me on the highway. My eye lids started to droop and I began to grow tired and closed my eyes for a second and almost swerved off the road. The car jolted and I sprung awake but so did the cop that flashed the obnoxious blue lights behind me.

I pulled over and waited nervously as the cop got out of his car and stalked over to my window that I had rolled down.

'Hellooo offfficer.' I slurred looking up at him and I noticed that he was tall, freakishly tall and had his hair in a little quiff that stuck out of his cop hat and he had a lip ring which I didn't know cops could have.

'Do you know why I pulled you over?' The man asked with a slight Australian accent.

'Um n-not really.' I stuttered feeling a bit out of it.

'Well you were swerving a lot on the road and you are a danger to the public so can you please step out of the car?' He asked and I fumbled with the door handle but finally got it opened and stepped out and the height difference was made more prevalent.

'Okay I'm gonna need you to walk in a straight line please.' He ordered and I tried my best but I tripped and fell on my face. After getting up he pulled some tube looking thing.

'Okay so now I'm gonna have you blow into this for me.' He said as he placed the contraption near my mouth. I leaned forward and placed my mouth on the tube and blew as much as I could but it wasn't much.

'Okay I'm gonna have to take you in cause you are clearly drunk and have been driving under the influence.' He said as he took out his handcuffs and put them tightly around my hands.

'Wait! Please no I'm fine I can't go to jail please.' I begged as he pushed me into the back of the cop car.

'Please let me go! I'm only 22 I can't afford to go to jail oh my God.' I said as I started to cry.

'Will you shut up boy.' The officer said and so the ride to the station was quiet except for my sobs.

About 20 minutes later we had arrived at the station and he grabbed and walked me inside. After going through all the fingerprinting I was sitting in a cell alone as everyone went on with their day.

I don't know how long I have been here but I know that it was dead and there were only two officers in the building, the one that arrested me and someone else he was talking to.

'Okay, Irwin I'll see you in a few.' The man said as the other walked away.

'Well looks like it's just you and me.' He said as he walked up to the cell and I just looked at him through tired eyes. I wasn't drunk anymore I was just tired and had a massive headache.

'Can I go please?' I asked.

'No sorry you can't.' He said.

'Fine, since I'm here what's your name?' I asked.

'Luke.' He said with a smile as he leaned agaisnt the cell door.

'Michael.' I said with a small smile.

'So there's nothing that I could do to get out of here?' I asked again as I got up and walked to the cell door.

'Well there is something that you could do since it's your first offence.' He said with a smirk and I just looked at him with furrowed eyebrows.

'What?' I asked and he just unlocked the cell doors and walked in closing it behind him.

He hovered over me and pushed me up agaisnt the wall grabbing onto my hips.

'I'm sure we can make some sort of arrangement.' He said as he kissed up my neck and connecting our lips. We kissed roughly as I grabbed onto his hair and the back of his neck.

'Fuck.' I moaned out as he pushed his crotch agaisnt mine. I couldn't believe this was happening but it felt so good and I didn't want to stop.

He pulled apart from me and started to unbuckle his pants and pulled them down along with his boxers.

'Suck my dick.' He ordered and I knelt down quickly grabbing his dick starting to pump him.

I licked the tip before putting him in my mouth bobbing my head up and down. He grabbed onto my hair as I sucked and he bucked his hips forward going deep in my throat.

'Fuck your mouth feels so good.' He moaned out as he started to face fuck me making me gag slightly.

He soon grabbed my shoulders and pushed me up and up agaisnt the wall face forward. He took my jeans and tugged them off along with my boxers so I was standing facing the wall with my ass exposed.

He knelt down and spread my cheeks apart exposing my pink hole. He leaned forward and licked at the sensitive spot making me gasp at the feeling. He stuck in one finger and started moving it in and out of me.

'God you're so tight.' He said adding another finger till he was scissoring my ass.

'Uhhh...fuck.' I whimpered after he removed his fingers and stood up.

As he stood up he grabbed himself and spit on his dick and my hole lubing it up a little before he started to push in.

'Holy shit!' I half screamed half moaned at the foreign feeling and the pain.

He continued to push in and the pain soon mixed into pleasure as he was fully in me now. He then started to move in and out of me grabbing my hips for support.

I held onto the wall as he pounded my ass hard making me fill the cell with moans and whispers form both of us.

'Fuck me.' I moaned tilting my head back leaning it on his shoulder. He grabbed my hair and pulled it as he pounded into me faster and harder.

'Fuck yeah you like that don't you you little slut.' He breathed in my ear as he pounded me pull in hair back.

'Fuck yes!' I screamed.

He then took me and pushed me down on the cot and slammed into me. He then rurned me around so we were facing eachother and connected our lips.

He grabbed onto my dick and his thrusts matched his jerking pace and soon I felt that familiar feeling in my stomach.

'Fuck I'm close.' I moaned out arching my back and tilting my head back.

He continued to fuck me and jerk me and I was coming undone within seconds all over myself and his hand.

'Fuucck!' I dragged out as I came.

'Holy fuck!' He moaned as he came inside of me.

He pulled out of me and put his pants back on. After cleaning myself with the sheets I redressed.

'So, am I free?' I asked with curious eyes.

'No, I think I might have to debrief you again, just yo be safe.' He said with a smirk as he left the cell locking it on his way out.

Fucking hell.

- Hii

So this is going to be the last one for this book, thanks for reading (:

Love you

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