Confessions of a Friend

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This is such a cliché one shot lmao but I have some free time and am in such a writing mood so here ya go


He doesn't know when it happened or even how it did but what he does know is that it won't go away.

I mean was it entirely his fault?

Just take a look at what he looks like I mean come on, someone can not look that attractive and get away with it. From the way that his jaw line is so sharp and crisp that you could slice your hand from touching it. The slight stubble that he would grow, nothing too overwhelming but there was something there. Then his hair, his hair that literally always seemed to be perfectly in place and was never messy. His lips always look so plump as if someone was always kissing them making them full and red. The best thing about him though was his personality, he was the kindest person you have ever met, like a giant cuddly cutie whom no one could ever hate.

With all of that it was impossible for anyone not to fall in love with Luke Hemmings, the Luke Hemmings who of course is straight and has a girlfriend. So you can imagine how hard it is to be his best friend, a best friend for over 6 years and who has a massive crush on the tall blonde gorgeous creature. In short Michael is fucked and not in the way he would like to be. 

Luke has been dating his now girlfriend, Angela, for a few months, almost a year, and they are happy together and are constantly making out every chance they get. Whether it may be while at the cafe for lunch, at the movies with some friends, before school at the group's usual hang out, or even in classes they have together. They are always together which drives Michael insane because he can never hang out with his friend anymore and maybe because he wished it was him locking lips with the blonde hottie. You can imagine how much it really drives him insane when none of his friends know about it so he has to keep all his feelings bottled up. Only his brother, Liam, knows and he keeps trying to get the boy to confess his love to Luke and then make sweet passionate and dirty love to him, but that will never happen at least according to Michael.

That next Monday at school in the cafe the regular people are sitting together. Ashton, Liam, Michael, and Luke and Angela all over each other as usual. They had just finished their morning classes and were together for a break. Ashton was having a conversation with Liam about some cars or something while Angela and Luke were devouring each others faces without a care in the world, which left Michael alone at the table to witness everything and be ignored as usual. Michael should be happy for Luke, I mean Luke looks happy with Angela and that's all Michael should care about but it's hard to do when you want to be the one that makes him happy.

Sighing in defeat and annoyance Michael got up and threw out his lunch not bothering to say bye to anyone at the table but what he didn't notice were the pair of sad eyes watching him as he walked away.

The rest of the day went fairly slow at least to Michael and he just wanted to go home and relax and maybe take a nap or something. He was walking out his last class of the day after the bell had rang, he wanted to get to his locker in enough time to beat the herd of students that would be filling the halls soon. He did with just enough time and unlocked his locker switching out his books he'd need for homework tonight. He wasn't in any particular hurry he just wanted to get his stuff and leave, there really wasn't much to do after school.

He closed his locker and put his backpack back on heading to the main doors for his usual walk home when he stopped when he heard his name being called, "Michael! Wait up," he looked back and saw Luke coming his way surprisingly without Angela.

"What's up?" Asked Michael as Luke stopped in front of him a little out of breath from running.

"I just wanted to know if you wanted to mine to hang out or whatever?" He said looking at Michael hopeful.

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