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Michael doesn't know why he's an ass to Luke he just is and it's always been like that. Ever since he met the tall boy he could just tell that he was weak and Michael fed on that.

They've been in a band with their best friends Ashton and Calum for about two years now and they're starting to get popular but that hasn't stopped Michael's insults and picking on Luke.

'Hey guys what do you think of this song, it's not much but I don't know.' Luke said one days handing the boys a pice of paper.

'It seems cool I like it.' Ashton said with a smile.

'Yeah it could work.' Calum agreed.

'It's really stupid.' Michael said with a shrug as he comtinued to look on his phone.

Luke felt defeated and walked away sadly with his piece of paper.

'Michael that wa really rude.' Ashton said as he looked at him.

'There really wasn't any need for that.' Calum said and Michael just got up and mumbled a whatever walking to his room.


'So what movie do you guys want to watch on the bus?' Ashton asked sitting on the couch beside Calum with the remote.

'Doesn't matter.' Calum said.

'What about Mean Girls.' Luke suggested.

'That's a really stupid movie, no.' Michael said and Luke pouted as Ashton just put something random on.


Their band started to pick up and they were signed to a management and were signed to open for one direction and they couldn't be any more excited.

It was their first show tonight and everyone was nervous.

Especially Luke.

He had a solo in one of the songs and he was nervous he'd mess up or something but everyone reassured him he'd be fine, well everyone but Michael.

Within seconds they were heading on stage and the music started to play and the fans screamed and they sang and played like they never had before.

It was time for Luke to sing his solo and he was nervous but he kept telling himself that he he's okay and so he sang and he sang perfectly.

Well almost.

He had fumbled a little with the words and messed uo the chords on his guitar but it wasn't enough for the fans to notice thankfully but the boys had noticed, Michael had noticed.

After the show they all headed back to their dressing room to relax.

'That was so epic.' Ashton screamed with Calum.

'Yeah except when I messed up.' Luke said sadly as they walked into the room.

'It's okay mate no one noticed.' Calum said with a pat to Luke's back.

'Seriously Luke can you be any more of a fuck up?' Michael said as he walked into the dressing room.

'Michael chill it was nothing no one even noticed.' Ashton said trying to calm him down as Luke stood there in shame.

'No! This fuck up has done enough and I'm sick of it.' Michael said and Luke started to cry and soon was running out of the room and Calum chased after him.

'You're such a fucking asshole Michael I hope you know that and maybe Luke's not the problem.' Ashton said as he turned to run and comfort Luke.


'Guys I have something to say.' Luke said one day as they all were sitting in the loving room.

'What's up?' Ashton asked.

'I'm quiting, I think it'd be best. I'm just a hassle and don't belong in the band.' Luke said and all three boys, including Michael, were taken aback.

'Wait, you can't be serious?' Calum asked.

Luke just nodded.

'Come one Luke you know you're not a hassle we love you, you're one of us.' Ashton tried reasoning.

'I already packed my things and got a ride home it was really nice these past months.' Luke said as he walked away and down the hall to his room where his things were.

'This is all your fault!' Ashton yelled to Michael who just stared at the two other boys.

'Me? What did I do?' He asked throwing his hands up in defense.

'You've been nothing but mean to Luke and know he's leaving, go talk to him and fix this.' Calum said defiantly and huffed in annoyance and walked to Luke's room.

He knocked softly and walked in as Luke packed some last things.

'Hey.' Luke deadpanned as he looked at Michael.

'Look, can we talk?' Michael asked.

'What's there to talk about, you're getting what you want I'm leaving and I won't be a fuckup anymore.' Luke said.

'Okay I know I've been a royal ass to you but you don't need to quite the band.' Michael said.

'You don't have to pretend that you care I know you're only here cause Cal and Ash made you.' Luke said as he grabbed grabbed bag and turned to face Michael and walked towards the door.

'Wait, please.' Michael said stopping Luke from walking out.

'What?' Luke asked annoyed.

'I um, the reason that I'm always so mean to is because I can't deal with the thoughts that I have.' Michael said sadly and Luke looked at him for some sign of him lying.

'And that would be what?' Luke asked curious and confused.

'This.' Michael said before he kissed Luke on the lips completely taking Luke by surprise but soon he kissed back and the kiss started to get heated so they pulled apart.

'I love you Luke.' Michael said as he leaned his forehead on Luke's and looked him in the eyes.

'I love you too Michael.' Luke said with a smile as they kissed again.


Yay ! Longer one shot lol cX

Love you

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