Untitled Part

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Act One

There was a large couch facing opposite the kitchen but only one third of it was ever occupied, cuddled up together in front of the TV was how it usually was but this night was not usual. The walls were bare with an exception of a painting that was there when they moved in, the rest was brick and a deep red but warn out from the years. The curtains were drawn halfway, letting in some light but it was night so the only light was coming from the street lamps outside.

LUKE was sitting alone on the couch in front of a blank screen starring waiting for MICHAEL to come back from his night on the town, a usual thing for him to do.


Michael (Stumbling): Hey, babe.

Luke: Hi

(MICHAEL stepped inside the apartment and dropped his keys on the bowl on the table near the door, taking off his coat he places it on the rack and walks over to LUKE who is has a cold look and a stiff body)

Michael (Starting to rub LUKE's shoulders): What's wrong babe, you seem so tense?

Luke: Where have you been? 

Michael: Out with some friends

Luke (Questioning): Really? Who were these friends?

Michael (Huffing with an eye roll): Luke, don't start this again. You know I wasn't doing anything dangerous or with someone like you always seem to think

Luke (Sighing): I don't think that, I trust you it's just I don't know you never tell me where you go nor invite me out with you

Michael (Walking into the bathroom to wash his hands and clean up a bit and then walking back to the the couch where LUKE is still sitting): That's cause you don't like my friends, why would I make you come out with me if I know you aren't going to have a good time?

Luke: Well I don't know, I do want to do things with you (He says as he gets up off the couch and walks over to MICHAEL who was leaning on the kitchen counter and wraps his arms around his waist.)

Michael (Cooing): I know baby, what about this weekend? Some of us were talking about going to this cabin in the New Hampshire I was just gonna go alone but you should come

Luke: Sounds nice, who's going?

Michael (Weary and obviously nervous): Um just Jennifer, Nick, and Alex

Luke: Alex? Who's Alex?

Michael (Shrugging as he breaks from LUKE and walks over to the fridge to get a water): Just a friend of Nick, I'm gonna shower really quick though (He goes into the bathroom shutting the door leaving his phone sitting on the kitchen counter.)

(LUKE walks back over to the couch and takes a seat putting the TV on some random channel low and barely paying attention to it. Through the sound of the shower running and the TV there was a chime coming from the kitchen and LUKE got up and walked over to the source, the cellphone. Looking at who the message was from he read it and furrowed his eye brows.

Alex: I had a lot of fun tonight, can't wait for this weekend (;

Not believing his eyes he walked back to the couch and stared at the TV, the message replaying over and over again in his head. This is not the first this has happened and it won't be the last. The showered stop running and soon MICHAEL came out in a towel wrapped around his waist, grabbed his phone and went into the bedroom.

He dressed into a pair of boxers and lied under the covers. He was lying there alone waiting, waiting like he did every night this month. He started to dose off when the bed dipped and he could feel his boyfriend make his presence known. LUKE was reluctant to go into bed, like every other night he was but he did and this night was no different. A pair of arms reached around the smaller boy's body enveloping him in a tight embrace.]

Michael [Questioning]: You know I love you right?

[Not getting an answer he sighed and went to sleep with the blue eyed boy under him, wide awake with a tear stained face]


Not really sure how I feel about this of what I should feel lol, it was a random idea that came to me and plus I wanted to introduce the of script style to you guys cause I really enjoy it and I want to continue doing it so hope you like it (: also the title is meant to be "Untitled Part" lol and this one has way more inner thoughts and direction than the majority of the ones I have written to plan to write so keep that in mind

There could be a part two but I haven't decided yet so don't get keep asking for one because it can get very annoying, thank you

Love you

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