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Those are the words that Michael hears everyday at school and he's grown accustomed to it to the point where he doesn't even care anymore.

But that's a lie that he keeps telling himself.

Those words hurt him so much that he often thinks he should just end it and get it over with. He should just end it all since there's no point in being alive when you have nothing to lo for.

I mean really who will miss him?

No one.

Who will miss a awkward boy who has no friends, is failing basically all his classes and is constantly bullied at school?

So as Michael walks down the hall to the double doors leading to outside he decides that today will be the day, the day he ends his life.

Walking home seemed agonisingly slow this afternoon, as if the world didn't want him to do it but he had to, that was the only way for it to stop, for them to stop.

He was walking when he bumped into a tall blonde quiffed boy.

'Oh my God I'm so sorry I wasn't watching where I was going.' The boy apologized.

'It's fine.' Michael deadpanned as he just continued to walk home leaving the cute blonde boy behind.

Finally arriving home Michael walked past his parents who don't even notice him. The only time they payed attention to him was when one of them was drunk and bored and needed to beat on someone.

Walking into the bathroom he dug deep under the sink for a bottle, a bottle where he has the pills he kept away for a day like this.

Popping them open he poured them all on his palm staring at them, staring at the pastel blue pills that almost blended into his pale white skin.

They almost looked like they belonged on his hand, like he was meant to have them.

Maybe he was.

He was about to down them when a knock at the batbroom door stopped him.

'Michael there's a boy here that says he's your friend or something I don't know he's downstairs.' His mum says as she walks away obviously agitated and drunk.


Michael doesn't have any friends.

Who could possibly be here for him?

Feeling confused Michael walked downstairs and into his living room where the tall blonde boy stood awkwardly looking around his home.

'Um can I help you?' He asked the blonde.

'Yeah sorry you kind of dropped your phone and I followed you to return it, I hope that's not weird. It's weird isn't it?' The strange boy rambled as Michael's lip almost twitched into a smile.

'Thanks now bye.' Michael said grabbing his phone and turning around.

'Wait! At least tell me your name.' The boy said but Michael didn't answer.

'I'm Luke.' He said putting his hand out for Michael and he just stared at it.

'Michael.' He said after a few awkward seconds ignoring his hand.

'Well, Michael, there's this pizza place just down the street if you'd want to join me, I'm buying.' Luke said and Michael was taken aback by his forwardness but it kind of made him like this Luke guy.

He pondered the option as he thought about the pills upstairs.

Maybe they could wait.

'Okay sure.' Michael said as he followed a smiling Luke.

- Hey

Kinda dark ik but something different

Love you

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