Close to Midnight

422 10 23

Scene Three

A year prior to the boys hanging out in Luke's basement, it was the summer before Senior year. Luke invited his friends over to swim in his pool and have a party to celebrate before the new year started. All four boys were over including Aaron, Luke's boyfriend, Abigail, Calum's girlfriend, and a mutual friend of everyone. The sun was hot and the water was cold.

Luke and Aaron were sitting on the edge of the pool with their feet hanging in. Michael was hanging out with Ashton and Julia in the pool while Calum and his girlfriend were somewhere inside the house.


Julia: I just wanted to thank you Luke for inviting me [she said grabbing Luke's attention as everyone else agreed and thanked him]

Luke [smiling]: Don't even worry about it, I mean I'm always happy to have my friends come over and plus I am the only one who ever uses this pool so might as well get some use out of it

Aaron: You're so cute [he said bumping his shoulders with Luke and kissing him on the cheek. After their public display of affection they got up and disappeared into the house]

Ashton [pointed]: Michael, you're staring

Michael: What? Oh, sorry I just, I dazed off for a second

Ashton: You seem to be doing that a lot lately, just tell us already, you like Luke and him dating Aaron is killing you

Michael [scoffing]: That's insane, no I do not

Julia [rolling her eyes]: Right, whatever you say Mikey

Michael: I'm serious, why would I like him? I mean he's one of my best friends and plus, he has Aaron and they're happier than ever

Ashton: You and I both know that doesn't mean anything, but you're right. He has Aaron now and you had your chance

Michael [rolling his eyes as he began to swim to the steps of the pool]: Whatever you say, just leave me alone [he walked out of the pool and into the house to go to the bathroom]

Julia: He likes him so much and I wish he would just admit it already

Ashton [sighing]: I know but he never will, plus he probably feels worse now that Luke and Aaron are dating

Julia [leaning back on the side of the pool]: Yeah you're right, but also I thought it was so random for them to start dating I mean where did they even meet?

Ashton: Honestly I'm not sure, I just assumed they met in a class or something

Luke: Guys! I made some cupcakes so everyone better come eat some because I put so much effort into these and honestly if no one eats them I will be very upset [he said as he placed a tray of decorated cupcakes on a table. Everyone got out of the pool,Michael came back outside with Calum and Abigail to get some cupcakes]

Michael: These are delicious, Luke [Michael said with a mouthful of cupcake as Luke just smiled wildly at him]

Luke: Thank you, I made the red velvet ones just for you [he said looking at Michael who smiled at him, Aaron watched the interactions closely]

[After everyone ate and dried off they headed inside because it was getting dark and they still wanted to play some games or watch movies. Once inside Calum and Abigail took the love seat in the living room, Julia sat on the floor with Ashton while Luke, Aaron, and Michael shared the big couch with Luke in between the two]

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