Thinking About You

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I kind of knew what I was getting myself into when I had told myself that this was the best idea, that if I did this and went through with it it would be better. It would be better not only for me but for him. There are so many different possibilities as to why I chose to do this, some could be considered valid but of course the reason I chose was the most invalid and idiotic which my friends love to point out to me. I still think it was the best thing for me to do because I am so sick f getting hurt and i knew I would if I had decided to go through with it.

I was just scared of what he would have said if I told him the truth and how I really felt about him, I mean there is is no way that he is even remotely attracted to guys let alone myself. Why would I put myself through the torture of telling him I liked him and that I wanted to be with him if I knew he would never have the same feelings. So the best thing I could do was forget about my little crush for Luke Hemmings and date Josh, sweet kind Josh who was a year behind me.

Luke is my best friend and has been my best friend ever since we met each other freshman year and somehow we managed to stay friends throughout each year and now we are in our senior year and almost out for good. I started to develop feelings towards him that were more than friendly around sophomore year but of course I was too nervous to say anything or ever tell him, I mean we were best friends and all. Plus I am more than positive that he is straight. So as you can tell I had to do something to calm my feelings for him and get my mind off of him which is where Josh comes in.

Josh is a junior and we met in my Physics class after we were paired as partners for the rest of the year. He is really sweet and kind and one of the smartest guys that I know. It was clear from the very first class that he liked me and had a crush on me, I mean he was not one for being subtle. So I came up with the idea to date him because I knew it'd get my mind off Luke and thought that I would be occupied. Well I was so wrong because all I can think about when I'm with Josh is Luke and then I feel so guilty and like a complete ass because I'm basically using Josh and he doesn't deserve that.

"You know, it's not too late to just break up with Josh and then tell Luke how you feel about him," Ashton said one day as we were sitting in my living room waiting for the rest of our friend group to join us for a movie night at my place.

"Ashton we have been through this, you know why I can't do that," I reminded him.

"Well I remember what you said and I still think it is a really stupid reason and doesn't even make sense, how do you know how Luke feels if you've never said anything to him?" He asked just like he always did.

"I don't need to tell him anything to know, we've been friends for long enough for me to know what he thinks," I said and before he could say anything the doorbell rang and I got up and opened it to be greeted by Luke, Calum and I noticed Josh had just pulled up in his car and I mentally groaned.

"Hey Mikey," Luke said with a wide smile as he walked in and my heart melted at the nickname.

"Sup," Calum said walking in and then Josh came running up the steps.

"Hey babe," he said as he attached his lips to mine quickly. When he pulled away I closed the door and looked behind me connecting eyes with Luke for a second before he looked away and sat on the couch.

"So what are we watching tonight?" Calum asked already digging into the chips that were on the table.

"I got Deadpool and Me Before You, I don't know which one you want to watch first." I said as I placed them both on the table for us to decided. I knew that Luke has always wanted to watch Me Before You and i wanted to take him to see it as a date but this is the next best thing.

"We should watch Me Before You first, i really want to see it," Luke said with a huge smile on his face.

"You would want that one, whatever it doesn't matter to me,' Ashton said with a shrug as he sat back in his seat. Luke hurried up to the TV and placed the dvd in the player and shut all the lights and sat back down on his singe seat. Ashton and Calum were on the love seat that was opposite of Luke while Josh and I were cuddled up on the large sofa, taking up the majority of the space. 

As the movie started I couldn't help but wish it was Luke and I that were cuddling on the sofa. Half way through the movie I Luke was a sobbing mess as he watched and Josh was starting to get bored of the movie, since he is more of the horror type, and started kissing my neck and I was not feeling it. I don't want to start sucking face with my friends right there and especially not when Luke is a a few feet away from me. I kept pushing him off me but he just kept coming back and I was started to get annoyed.

"Come on, not now,' I whispered to him making sure no one heard me.

'Why don't we just go upstairs and make our own movie," he said as he grabbed my dick making me jump at the contact.

"Josh no, we have people over," I whispered causing Luke to look back at us confused then realized what was happening so he looked back to the TV screen with what seemed like a frown.

"Fine, but you're mine later," he said with one last squeeze to my dick as he continued to watch the movie. I was glad that he had simmered down because I swear he was going to jump on top of me any second now and that would just be super awkward. 

After we had finished Me Before You we put in Deadpool but we were all so tired already it was a matter of time before we all fell asleep. I don't know when it was but I guess I had fallen asleep because it was about half way through the movie when I woke up and looked around to see Calum and Ashton had fallen asleep and Josh was out like a light cuddled up against me. I looked over and noticed that Luke wasn't in his seat but the kitchen light was on so I lifted Josh off me and lied him down on the couch as I got up and walked to the kitchen where I saw Luke with his back facing me eating what looked like a pint of ice cream.

"Hey," I said softly as I approached him.

"Hi," he said as he turned around to face me.

"Couldn't sleep?" I ask walking closer to him.

"Not really, want some?" He asked and I nodded as I grabbed a spoon and sitting next to him on the island and digging into the pint.

"So you and Josh are going pretty strong," he said with a small smile and I was a little taken aback as to why he decided to talk about it.

"Yeah I guess so," I said sadly putting the spoon in my mouth.

"You don't seem so pleased, Josh is a really nice and kind guy," he said.

"No I know he's great and all but I don't know," I said looking away from him because I was afraid that he could see something in my eyes if I looked at him.

"What do you mean?" He asked and I knew I had gotten myself into trouble and there was only two ways out. Tell him the truth or just ignore it and go back into the living room and cuddle up next to Josh.

After looking in Luke's eyes I knew which decision would be best.

"He's not you," I said looking at him and he stared back at me before out lips connected in a soft yet loving way and I knew this is where I belonged.


I feel like that ending was sooo lame and could have been much better but meh 

Hope you enjoyed 

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