Hiccup Into My Heart

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There goes another one.


Fuck I thought I was doing well since I haven't had one in so long but, guess not.


'Will you shut up?' someone yelled from the front of the class as they looked back at my reddening face and apologetic smile.

For as long as I remember I haven't been able to stop hiccuping for more than 5 minutes. The doctors don't really have a reason for it, I was told at a young age that I would always hiccup and there is nothing I can do about it. The good thing is that it doesn't really cause any damage to me or anything so it's not that big of a deal but it is in a way. It sucks being known as the kid who hiccups uncontrollably all the time, people tend to not like you nor want to be your friend.

Somehow though I managed to at least keep one friend Ashton. We met in third grade and at first he was weirded out by my hiccups but he grew use to them and we've been friends ever since. Now we just started high school and that has been stressful to say the least. It's so huge and there are so many people it's overwhelming and not to mention the juniors and seniors. The juniors can't wait to be seniors and think that they are so cool and are in charge and so they pick on us freshmen and sometimes sophomores, despite how close in age we are. Then the seniors, well they think that they own the school but in a way they do. They can do whatever they want and get away with it to be honest.

The worst part is starting at a new place and having everyone be able to get use to me, like my middle school everyone was use to my hiccups by eight grade but I have to start over here. No one knows me and I want to just be invisible but that is hard to do when you're so loud all the time.

I wasn't looking where I was going and next thing I knew I was on the floor landing on my ass in front of everyone.

'Watch where you're going.' The guy said whoever he was that pushed me.

Hiccup. Hiccup. Hiccup. Hiccup.

Fuck, my hiccups get more intense when I'm scared and nervous.

'You're the weird kid who hiccups?' I looked up this time and stared into the eyes of the deep blues I have been thinking about all year.


I didn't answer him but hiccuped in response.

'What a loser.' He said with a chuckle as him and his friends walked away laughing.

'Are you okay?' Ashton asked as he helped me up.

'Yeah.' I said as I grabbed my bag and headed to class.

After school I was finally home and I could be alone without the bother of anyone, especially Luke. Ever since he saw me I've been his target and he hasn't left me alone yet. I don't know why he is such an ass to me, I never did anything to him. Maybe it's because he's a senior and I'm just a freshman but that still doesn't give him enough reason to be such a bitch to me. The worst part of it all though is how much of a crush I have on him, such a cliche I know.

He is so cute with his little face and he's so tall like please can I climb his mountain? And not to mention his lip ring, like please god please can I suck on it as we make out? But alas I am just a small little freshman and he is a senior who makes fun of me and probably doesn't know my name besides as the hiccup boy.



Walking into school was the same as always, I had to say hi to everyone (a/n Hey Everybody! lol sorry) and act like I like and know them all when in fact I know maybe less than half. I hate being this "popular" because it means that I have to pretend to be something I'm not, I have to be someone who wants to go to every party and talk to everyone and care what people think of me but in actuality I don't care about any of those things. I'd much rather be alone with a book or my music and not be bothered than have to put up a facade. But I signed up for all of that when I started playing football and became this popular guy that everyone knows and loves, or so they say.

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