House on Fire

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Request from ZiamObssesion , hope you like it and it's what you had in mind (: and I'm really sorry this literally took forever, I started my sophomore year of college as a transfer and I'm still trying to get myself together and barely have time for anything anymore. I hope you like it and once again sorry for the super late update (:


Dating in high school often seems like a waste, people break up just as fast at they get together. No one ever really lasts once school ends and graduation day comes, I mean yes there are sometimes high school sweethearts but even years later they break up or something happens and both people are heartbroken. There are too many people in the world for you to settle down with the first person you date.

So that's why Luke never really intended to stay with Alessia that long, I mean he started dating her because his friends all said that they would be a good match and that they were destined to be together. He never really understood why everyone thought they were a great match, sure she was attractive and he was too but that doesn't make for a good couple. Luke never believed any of that though, he knew he wasn't meant to be with her after a few weeks of being with her, she was a little crazy. He had his heart set on someone else, someone who none of his friends ever would consider to be his type.

Michael Clifford.

Yes, Luke was gay and was only dating Alessia to keep the rumors at bay and make sure no one ever found out his secret. At first he did like her or at least he thought he did but he soon realized that he never truly liked her and she was just a great way to hide his secret. Not to mention the fact that Michael was his best friend and he didn't want to ruin their relationship, he liked him too much to do that.

He was afraid of coming out because he thought that no one would ever want to talk to him again. There was no real proof that that would happen but he wasn't using his logic side and so he thought the best thing to do would be to bury those feelings away and stick it out some more, I mean he was in his senior year and would be graduating soon so he wouldn't have to see or talk to anyone ever again. The problem with that though is he honestly doesn't think he can last any longer with Alessia, she was driving him insane.

She insists they spend all of their time together, no matter what they're doing she wants to be with him and him with her. It's annoying because sometimes Luke wants to be alone, so he can daydream about Michael and his perfectly beautiful face. Also Luke can barely hang out with Michael because Alessia wasn't all of his time devoted to her, she's killing him. She is also secretly jealous of their relationship, if only she knew exactly what Luke was thinking about his best friend.

"We should go to that new restaurant that opened up and then watch a movie, and cuddle in your bed and then some other things," Alessia said to Luke as the two sat outside for lunch. She always wanted to do all these things in one day that was unnecessary and not possible.

"Actually, I had plans with Michael and some other friends," Luke said lying because he just had plans with Michael but he was afraid of telling her that. 

"Oh, but I wanted to have some quality time with you," she said which meant that she wanted to try and have sex with him while he'd refuse and she'd stay persistent. No matter how many times he told her he didn't want to have sex or just wasn't ready she wouldn't take no for an answer. You never see the guy in the relationship to turn down sex but when that man wants a guy it isn't that surprising.

"I haven't really hung out with my friends that much lately, I promise we'll do something fun soon," Luke promised although he did not wish to keep that promise. She just sighed and nodded an okay as they finished their lunch.

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