Cheap Thrills

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Honestly I don't even know what this is lol but here you go


No one ever really said you had to have your life together once you were out of high school, I mean who knows what they want to do with the rest of their life? Sure people can have some sort of guess or some idea of what they want but if you were to ask anyone who went to college right after high school what they wanted none of them would have an answer.

So it was an easy decision to make for Michael when he graduated high school that he would take some time off and focus on having fun and doing what he wanted. Luckily he worked enough through high school and after to get his own little apartment and move out of his parents place. It wasn't' great, the rooms were always chilly and the windows stuck but it was his own place and he was happier than he ever was at home.

Five years after graduating high school and Michael was finally ready to go back to school and start something new. He dabbled in several different things till he found what made him happy, art. He wants to go to school for art in hopes of becoming an art teacher, who of course does some painting on the side. It will be hard to go to school and pay things on your own but he has saved up some money and even managed to get some scholarships so it should not be too hard for him. Currently he is doing a bit of celebrating as he sits at the stool of a bar and sips a jack daniel's, it's not totally different for him since he makes frequent friday night trips to the Velvet Room top bar.

"Another one?" The bartender asks as he notices Michael's glass almost empty.

"Sure, why not Jeremy?" He says as he is on a first name basis with the bartenders. Soon his glass is being switched for a new fuller one and he takes a small sip, enjoying himself.

"So, ever make a decision what you want to do in school?" Jeremy asked.

"Yeah I finally did," Michael said as the bartender walked away to tend to a woman who walked up to the bar.

Michael sat there finishing his second glass and sighed in content, not because something was wrong but because he was just happy to be going in some sort of direction after years of finding himself. Soon the stool next to him was taken up by an older but very attractive blonde man with the bluest eyes anyone would ever come across. He was wearing a button up with a tie and black slacks. He looked like he did something important, like some job where he was respected.

"Hello handsome, I'm Luke," the man greeted Michael.

"Hey," he said with a smile.

"I've seen you here a few times, what's your name?"


"You look like one, let me buy you a drink? Unless you've already had your limit," Luke said with a slight chuckle and a smile that made Michael smile.

"Sure, why not? The night is still young," he said with a shrug as Luke called over the bartender and ordered both of them a drink.

"You look very fancy to be drinking at some night bar," Michael said with a laugh as he took in Luke's outfit one more time.

"Yeah I guess I am a bit overdressed but I don't look half as good as you do in that leather jacket," Luke said as he not so subtly checked Michael out.

"This thing is so old I don't even remember when I bought it," he said as he looked down at the old tattered leather jacket that he was sure he bought ten years ago.

The two of them sat at the bar sipping their drinks and making small talk. They talked about everything two people could talk about and the night was still young.

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