Princess in Black Lace*

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A request from That_hemmings_girl, hope you like it I tried to make it extra special (; (sorry it took so long tho, I'm a slow writer lol)

top!Luke and fem!Michael (Michael's school outfit at the top/side)



Walking up the old warn out concrete steps into my school I could feel the wind in my hair and adjusted my sunglasses on my nose. Pushing through the double doors I could feel the stares on me and I loved it, the attention made me feel alive. I craved the attention from any and everyone, if I was getting stares then I was doing something right. After coming out a few days ago and finally being able to dress how I really want I have felt amazing and happier than ever.

Of course it was something everyone had to get use to since for 3 years everyone has only known me as the quiet and shy boy who wore ripped skinny jeans and band shirts. That was never who I wanted to be though, my friends new the real me and had accepted that persona long time ago so I knew it was time to come out and I could not be any more happy.

Walking through the hall still wearing my sunglasses, striding through with my platform heels I knew I had picked the best outfit today. All black like my heart. I lived for black stockings and short dresses and skirts, whatever shows my legs the most honestly. To top it off I wore my black wide rimmed hat that perfectly contrasted with my platinum blonde hair.

I stopped at my locker quick to grab my bag and fill it with the books I needed for my morning classes and headed to my first period class, English. After placing my sunglasses in my locker I headed to the classroom and walked in the room looking around seeing there wasn't that many people here yet but I spotted my best friend Melanie in the back corner sitting in her usual seat. I headed over to her and passed some boys in the second row who of course made the most obscene noises and acted like pigs.

Crossing my legs under the desk as I took my seat I went through my bag and took out my matte black nail polish placing it on the desk, getting ready to add a coat to my naked nails.

"Hey Mikey, I love that dress," Melanie said catching my attention.

"Thanks, I love your new tattoo though it's super cute," I complimented as I looked at her thigh that held her new carousel tattoo and she smiled at me.

"Did you hear about the party Ashton is having Saturday night, literally everyone is going to be there?" She asked and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't understand why people like him, he's such an asshole," I confessed.

"I know but he does throw the best parties in the city," she said and she did have a point.

"Are you going?" I asked.

"Probably, but you have to come with me," she said and I rolled my eyes again as I opened the bottle of nail polish getting the brush wet with the liquid.

"Ugh if you really want me to I guess I will, if I don't go I know you'll never let me hear the end of it," I said coating my thumb a few times before moving to my index finger.

"Yay!" She cheered and I couldn't help but chuckle at her excitement. As I was finishing my right hand I was moving to my left when Luke Hemmings walked, one of the most cocky and arrogant jocks in this school.

"Look who just showed up, the biggest man whore of the school," Melanie said and I laughed loudly as him and his posse of testosterone junkies walked in behind him. Of course he saw me and started to make his way over, he kind of has a thing for me but I think it's only cause he can't have me so he wants me.

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