Bombastic Hearts

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It seems like everyone is dating someone, whether they have been for a few days, months, or years. You can look anywhere and see a couple holding hands, kissing, touching, being together. Usually people would consider that to be something nice  but to someone single it hurts.

That's what Michael constantly sees when he walks outside, he sees ll these happy couples while he's single and alone. I mean don't get him wrong, he is happy that all these different kinds of people are able to find someone who they like enough to be with but it just really hurts him when he doesn't have anyone to call his own. He's dated a few people here and there but the relationships never lasts and it just ends with him getting his heart broken and he's alone again.

It's also a struggle to be happy for his friends when they're in relationships because he's jealous that they have someone and not to mention that their time is usually cut in half since they would rather be with their partners than with a friend. That was the case with two of his friends Calum and Ashton, once they were in a relationship the hang outs stopped and became less frequent. Thankful though Michael had Luke, oh how he was so grateful for Luke.

Luke and him have been friends the longest in their group of four, they go back to elementary school even. Whenever one was upset about something he would go to the other and the would make things better. Michael and Luke were always together and would spend most of their time together, that's why when Calum and or Ashton was out on a date or whatever the two would spend their time together.

Of course  Michael had fallen for the tall blonde cutie, it was almost hard not to when you're constantly around someone. It was really a cliche kind of thing, the best friend falls for the really cute and sweet boy who doesn't even see him like that but that doesn't stop the feelings Michael had. He knew that Luke didn't feel the same way about him and at first it was okay, it was understandable because they are friends after all. After a few years though it started to upset him because why would he fall for someone who couldn't share the same feelings as him? Sometimes he thought he did but it was just Luke being cuddly and touchy, harmless but yet it drove Michael crazy.

LIke now, he was currently at Luke's in his room lying on his bed while Luke sat at the edge of the bed doing whatever on his bed. It may seem like a harmless and not so important situation but Michael hated lying or even being on Luke's bed because it made his mind run wild with thoughts, thoughts he would much rather not be forced to show Luke. His mind doesn't stray away from the endless possibilities positions and predicaments that the pair could get into under these sheets and on top of this bed, all of which thoroughly turned Michael on.

"What are you thinking about, you look like you're straining yourself?" Luke asked as he turned his body on the bed to now face Michael.

"What? Oh nothing I'm just tired," Michael lied.

"You're so weird Michael," Luke said with a giggle and a playful eye roll. Michael absolutely loved Luke's laugh, the blonde is always laughing and giggling but he can never get enough of it. "Move over I wanna cuddle," Luke said as he crawled over to the top of the bed and this was the last but also the first thing Michael would want.

"Can you take you up anymore space?" Michael asked pushing over more as Luke tried to get comfortable.

"Yes I can actually now shut up and cuddle me hoe," Luke said in his ever so nice way but of course Michael wasn't going to pass up an opportunity to be this close to Luke. After he stopped moving the two were now face to face lying down, Luke with his eyes closed and breathing quietly. Michael was looking at him and admiring his face and just everything about him, he truly loved his face and his lips and his hair and his everything.

"I can feel you staring at me, close your eyes you nerd," Luke said with a small smile.

"I'm sorry I can't help it, you're so beautiful," Michael said taking a leap of faith and seeing where this could lead.

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