Stuck With You

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Thanks to im_not_kinda_hot for the idea, hope you like it  (:


Usually when two people are together, romantically, and then break up they would go their separate ways and be done with one another. That wasn't the case however for Michael and Luke who dated for about 3 years and then decided that breaking up would be best for one another but decided to still live together. I mean they had moved in together after 2 years for several different reasons. One of which was because trying to find a cheap enough apartment in New York is so difficult and it's easier since there's two of them.

That was honestly the main reason why they decided to stay together, they don't even talk to one another much when they're together and either of them always has someone there spending the night. It was a weird situation to say the least but it worked for them. Of course it wasn't ideal but they had a place to live and that is way more important than anything else.

"Can you hold the elevator door for me, I'm already late for this diner with my mom," Michael said to Luke who was on his way out to go to work.

"Sure but hurry up I need to get to work," Luke said grabbing his bag and slipping on his jacket and walking to the elevator that was on their floor. When he arrived at it and pushed the button for the doors to open Michael was just coming out of the apartment and ran over to where Luke was, who was holding the door for him.

"Thank you," he said as he walked in and the doors closed and pushed the button for the lobby. They lived on the top floor of their apartment building so it would be a bit before they were at the bottom.

"So how are your parents?" Luke asked trying to make small talk as they rode the elevator.

"They're good, except they won't-" he started but stopped when the elevator shifted causing the both of them to lose their balance, trying to find something to grab on to for support.

"What the hell?" Luke said regaining himself and then the lights started to flicker then one bulb going out, darkening the room a little.

"Okay, that's weird," Michael said weary as the elevator slowed down and then came to a screeching halt.

"Oh no, no, no, this can't be happening," Luke said panicking trying to push all of the buttons to see if anything would work but nothing was so he gave up. "This is unbelievable, this would happen to me," Luke said huffing throwing his bag on the floor and leaning against the wall.

"There has to be something we can do," Michael said noticing there was an emergency button and pushed it repeatedly but nothing was happening so he got frustrated and kicked the door causing it to rattle and ring through the room. "This fucking sucks!" He yelled and leaned on the wall beside Luke.

"Just a bit," Luke said annoyed at his current situation but there really wasn't anything to do about it.

"And of course I have no fucking service either," Michael breathed out with an eye roll. Luke looked at his phone and noticed that he also didn't have any service so that was the end of that.

Not knowing what else to do the both of them just decided to sit down and wait for something to hopefully happen and they could get out of there but lord knows when that will be, if ever. 


It has been about two hours and it is starting to drive Michael insane. Luke has been playing some games he has on his phone, switching back and fourth between a few in order to entertain himself and at least do something instead of just sitting there. Michael didn't have time for that and instead has just been staring at the ceiling wishing he was anywhere else but here.

"So how was your date the other night with that girl you met at the bar?" LUke asked out of nowhere catching Michael off guard.

"It was okay, she was cool but I probably won't see her again," Michael said with a shrug looking at Luke.

"What, why?"

"Eh I don't know," Michael said with a sigh. "Why are we even talking about this, I thought we agreed to not ask each other about who we see or date or are with?" He asked.

"Well I know but I was just trying to past the time, clearly we aren't getting out anytime soon," Luke said truthfully which upset both boys.

"I know sorry it's just has been weird between us lately I feel, I mean exs living together is a very weird situation," Michael said and he did have a point.

"I know but it just sucks cause it's hard to afford to live alone," Luke said but honestly that wasn't entirely the truth. Yes it was expensive to live alone in New York but Luke really loved living with Michael. They had been together for 3 years and lived together for the majority of that time so they both grew accustom to each living habits. 

When they broke up it hurt Luke the most because yes it was a mutual breakup and there wasn't nay fights or anything it's just that Luke really loved Michael. He was his first everything and so he didn't wan't to lose him and so they talked and made it so they stayed living together. Having Michael still around made Luke happy and like they were still dating but he knew that was crazy to think since Michael doesn't even seem to miss him, romantically speaking.

"What happened Michael, between us?"Luke asked after gathering the courage to. The room seemed to become a little thicker and Michael's heart stopped for a split second at the broken sound that came out of Luke.

"Honestly I don't know Luke, I wish I did," Michael said sadly looking at the floor of the elevator not wanting to make eye contact with Luke.

"Sometimes I try to think of what went wrong and all I could think of was reasons that I caused."

"Luke, come on don't do this. You know you weren't the problem, we were just better off friends," Michael said finally looking at Luke who was silently crying.

"I know and I did agree with you but now I don't know. Living with you broken up and seeing you going out with all these different types of people has hurt me more than I would like to admit," Luke said wiping his tears away as Michael scooted closer to him wrapping an arm around the crying boy.

"Why didn't you say anything, if it bothered you so much?" Michael asked but he knew very well that Luke would never say that to him because he wants him to be happy.

"Do you still love me?" Luke asked looking up at Michael feeling small and vulnerable.

"Of course I love you Luke, how could I not?" Michael said with a smile as he hugged Luke closer which was the first contact they've had since breaking up. "I'll always love you," Michael said lifting Luke's face up and staring into his eyes.

"I will always love you too," Luke said looking back into Michael's eyes which were full of love for the blue eyed boy.

Their faces inched closer and soon their lips embraced in a feeling of fireworks and love. Lips were moving together perfectly like they use to like before except this time it was different. There was something different about the two that they couldn't quite grasp. Maybe it was that it has been so long since they've felt one another like this or maybe it was that all they needed was a little break for their love to grow stronger.

Breaking away from the kiss they both stared into one another's eyes and smiled happy as ever. Then the lights flickered on and the elevator started to move slowly down and the two got up.

"Finally," Michael said with a smile as they hit the ground floor and the doors opened.

"It's so late and I'm getting all my texts and calls now," Luke said as he and Michael looked at their phone internally groaning for having to deal with this at some point.

"Let's jut go home," Michael said looking at Luke and grabbing his hand, a feeling of comfort he almost forgot.

"Let's take the stairs instead," Luke said with a laugh and both boys walked to the staircase hand in hand with a huge smile plastered on their face.


That was so damn cheesy I can't even lmfao 

Love you

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