Close to Midnight

551 18 35

Act One Scene One

It was a Friday night and it was close to midnight, there was light rain outside causing the sound to amplify in the basement. A basement that was clearly built in the 90s and over the years there was barely any remodeling done but that didn't stop it from becoming the hang out spot. There was a leather sectional in the corner, a large screen, not flat, TV in the middle of the wall and the windows didn't' open so it the air was stale and hot.


Ashton [whining]: Guys, I'm so bored let's do something fun

Luke: What do you suppose we do?

Ashton: I don't know anything

Calum: That's really descriptive

Ashton [laying across the couch alone]: We've been here for a few hours and the only thing we've manage to do was devour three boxes of pizza, let's drink or smoke or something

Michael: What's wrong with just eating pizza? I had fun doing that

Luke [chuckling]: You would but I agree with Ashton, we should do something but not smoke or drink. My parents would murder me if they found out we did that in their house

Calum: What about spin the bottle [he pulls out a large wine bottle from a shelf on one of the walls]

Luke: Calum, put that ba-

Ashton [sitting up]: Wait that could be fun

Michael: But we're all guys here, how can you play spin the bottle with just all guys?

Calum: Shit, you're right that would be weird especially since we're all friends

Luke [sadly]: I guess you're right, it would be weird

Ashton: Ugh true but I mean we all know how much Michael wants to bone Luke, I wouldn't want to watch them make out[he says throwing his head back in laughter]

Calum [laughing]: Oh my god so true

Michael [throwing a pillow at ASHTON and flipping CALUM off]: Shut up with your idiotic lies no I do not

Luke [blushing]: You guys are all idiots

Michael: They really are, I always question why I'm friends with them [he says as he nudges LUKE playfully on the shoulder since the two are sitting side by side on the floor]

Calum: Shut up you love us! [he looks at the bottle of wine in his hands and has a thought] Well since I already have the bottle out, why not just crack it open and drink a little

Ashton: Now you're talking, here lemme see [he says as he gets up off the couch joining the rest of the boys on the floor and grabs the bottle out of CALUM's hands unscrewing the top and taking a large swig]

Luke: I said not to open it, ugh you guys never listen to me

Ashton: Loosen up a bit Luke I swear you're always so tight and never want to have fun, here take a sip or two [he hands the bottle to LUKE who takes it hesitantly debating if he wants to take a sip but with all eyes on him he feels pressured and in turn takes a large gulp]

Luke [wincing]: Oh god that's...weird...but I like it

Michael: There you go, now hand it to me I want some [he grabs the bottle and drinks out of it then passing it to CALUM and they continue to do this till the bottle is completely empty and they are all feeling a little tipsy from the alcohol]

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