I'd Fight the Sun For You

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This is kind of ehh but I wanted to update something since it's been so damn long


Our lives are built around the idea of trying to be perfect and the best of the best, make sure you're at the top cause the bottom is hell. Do your best, don't look back only forward. Don't settle for less, if there's more to do do it because why have less when you can have more?

Round and round our lives go, an endless array of events and moments that lead back to the same point. Get up, go to work, go to school, sleep, eat, sleep. Repeat. Forever on a wheel of pointless actions and decisions.

Try to escape, I dare you.

Try your hardest and see where it gets you, see if it gets you far.

Will it get you to the point you want to be at or will you crash and burn trying?

This is how Luke has felt ever since he started college, like he is on an endless loop that has no destination. Freshman year was okay, I mean it was new and different for him and he liked being in a new surrounding and having to be accustomed to something new. He was excited to start a new chapter in his life, he was ready for a change. About halfway through the year however he soon realized that he grew unsatisfied and unhappy with his new surroundings, he felt trapped with no way out.

Making the decision to leave seemed like the best idea and so summer came and he was happy to be free from his cage of depression and start again. Over the summer he met a boy, the cutest boy the blonde has ever laid his eyes on.

His name was Michael, he had the most gorgeous emerald eyes that which none other could compare. He was tall, not taller than Luke of course since no one ever seemed to be taller than Luke. Luke liked him regardless and his hair, it was never the same and Luke appreciated that and admired his courage when Michael decided green would be his next color. 

The two spent most, if not all, of their summer together. They went to movies together, went to restaurants, strolls in the parks, even a week long trip to a cottage in the mountains. It was safe to say the two were infatuated with one another and couldn't think of spending anytime apart. 

"I know we've only been together for about three months but I love you," Michael said one day as the two were lying on his bed with music playing softly in the background. Luke looked up from his position and blue met emerald and the whole world stopped leaving just the two of them. Luke wore this look on his face, a look of mixed emotions, all good of course.

"I love you too," Luke said back and the smile on Michael's face couldn't have been any bigger than it was when he heard those four simple but immense words. The two embraced in a kiss and thus began their first sexual encounter.


Now Luke is heading into his sophomore year of college and he is ready, ready to take on whatever comes his way. Him and Michael are still together and going strong, Luke would love for Michael to join him for school but Michael isn't much for school and he respects that.

Two weeks into school and everything is starting to come back, those feelings of being trapped and suffocated are returning and it's starting to freak Luke out. Is there something so wrong with him that is making him have these horrible and depressive thoughts? It's not like he doesn't have any friends or anything, he does and the school is a much better fit for him but for some reason he can't seem to be happy.

He doesn't want to tell Michael because he is afraid he'll drive him away, that his irrational and depressive thoughts will drive away the one person who really loves him, genuinely loves him. He doesn't want to feel like a nuisance or like he's being too needy, he doesn't want to lose Michael. He cares too much for him and the fear of losing him is too much.

So he trudges on and pretends like everything is going well and his mind is not running with dark thoughts. Put on a smile and never speak of how things suck and people will believe, the naive are easy to please.

But Michael isn't naive nor is he stupid.

He knew there was something bothering Luke, something he knew the blonde would never admit for reasons he would never understand. When they were sitting on his bed Michael had planned to talk to Luke about what was going on with him, he loves the blonde so much that he would do anything to make him feel better.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Michael asked randomly, catching Luke off guard.

"What do you mean?" Luke asked looking up to his boyfriend.

"There seems to be something bothering you, something you're not telling me," Michael added and Luke swallowed harshly.

"I don't know what makes you think that, I'm fine," he lied.

"Come on, you're gonna have to lie better than that if you want me to believe you," Michael said in a stern voice.

"Fine," Luke said with a defeated sigh knowing well enough he can't lie any longer to Michael, "I'm just so overwhelmed with school and I'm reverting back to how I felt at my last school," he said looking defeated.

"Why, tell me what's wrong?" Michael said as he moved closer to Luke on the bed.

"I don't know, I just feel like I don't have anyone," Luke said.

"What do you mean? You have me, you always have me to talk," Michael said wrapping his arm around Luke's shoulders.

"I know but like I don't know, I just don't want to be a bother to you or drive you away with being annoying," Luke confessed and Michael's heart broke a little because he could never imagine Luke bothering him or ever being away from him. 

He loves him too much.

"Luke look at me," Michael said softly as he placed his hand on Luke's gin to guide his eyes to his.

Ocean met emerald and the blonde immediately felt safe, secure, but most importantly loved.

"I love you more than words can express and I would never and could never imagine myself leaving you. I would fight the sun for you if it meant that we would be together for the rest of our lives," Michael said as he leaned in and connected his lips to Luke's.

Luke could feel from the kiss how genuine Michael was and although it'd be hard he knew he had someone, things would always get better.


Hello to the people still reading this even though I basically disappeared. I just started my sophomore year of college and let me tell you, it has been a journey and a half lol one filled with stress and trying to get my shit together but I feel like I have somewhat of a grasp on it. With that being said I have limited time to write since I am so busy all the time so bear with me, I might be closing this one shot book soon for good but I don't want to but idk we'll see

Love you

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