Fool For You

536 20 33

Act One

Scene One

Four boys, Ashton, Calum, Michael, and Luke are sitting around each other in a recording studio. They each have headphones on, Calum is holding a bass, Michael has a guitar, and Ashton is at a set of drums while Luke sits alone with a microphone in front of him. They have been there for four hours and the exhaustion is starting to kick in as well as show on their faces.

The producer and manager behind the glass window are talking about what they just recorded and fixing some sounds while the boys busy themselves. Michael pulls out his phone and scrolls through it, he is answering some texts and tweets from his girlfriend. Ashton and Calum give each other a look that Luke notices but doesn't understand what it means or what it is for as he looks at them confused


Ashton [questioning]: Ooh you texting the new girlfriend? [he says as he takes off his headphones as the rest of the boys follow suit]

Luke [confused]: New girlfriend? You're dating someone?

Calum: I would hardly call them dating, I mean they just get together occasionally and bang [he says laughing causing Luke to look at Michael with a stern look and Ashton to role his eyes]

Michael: You're such an idiot Calum. We're not even serious Luke but I mean we might be if things go well, so let's hope

Luke [questioning as his face grew red]: Why am I the last one to know that you were dating someone?

Michael [shrugging as he looks back down at his phone]: Sorry, I didn't think it was a huge deal

Luke: Of course not, I mean why would it be? Because who cares about Luke and what he has to think right? Excuse me I'm gonna go to the bathroom [he says as he gets up off the chair placing his headphones on the seat and walking out the room]

Ashton: Nice going Michael, why didn't you tell him?

Calum: Yeah, of all the people to tell he should have been the first one you

Michael [sighing as he places his phone in his pocket]: Look, I didn't think it was gonna be that big of a deal but I'll go talk to him and get him to come back [he says as he places his headphones on the seat and walks out the door]

Producer [hitting the call button behind the screen]: Where did they go?

Ashton [speaking into the mic]: They'll be back, they just needed to go to the bathroom

[Michael walks down the hall and into the bathroom to find Luke standing in front of the sink with his head down. He walks closer to him causing Luke to look at the mirror and lock eyes with Michael]

Michael: Sorry for not telling you Luke but I was just afraid of what you would say

Luke [turning around to face Michael]: Afraid of what? Afraid that I would freak out about the fact that it wasn't but two weeks ago we had sex in your hotel room? That I wouldn't have some sort of problem with you getting into a relationship with someone else after what we did?

Michael: Well...yeah?

Luke [throwing his hands up in frustration]: Honestly Michael, I don't even care, I was clearly stupid enough to think that I meant anything other than some simple fuck to you

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