He never really loved you

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You opened your apartment door and slammed it shut.

"Y/N, where have you been?"Niall, your best friend, asked, coming out from the kitchen.

" Niall.. get out!" You yelled at him, tryingto keep your voice down.

He didn't need to be always protecting you.

"Well you asked me to come over hours ago and I've been here waiting since," Niall said, stopping you in the hallway.

You pushed him away from you quite rough, causing him to stumble back a bit.

"You aren't my boyfriend!" You yelled, stumbling on your heels and fall next to Niall.

"You are hammered," Niall said aloud, confirming to himself.

He sat up and took the heels off of your aching feet. He helped you up and slipped an arm around your waist to steady you. He was pratically dragging you by the time he set you onto your bed.

"Y/N he isn't coming back. He never really loved you." Niall comfirmed.

The tears kept streaming down your face as you really wanted to ignore the words Niall was saying to you. The thing that hurt the most was that it was true.

"Please don't cry," He whispered, tucking a strand of loose hair behind your ear.

You started to sob. Niall couldn't take it anymore. He pressed his lips onto yours making everything stop. Time seemed to freeze as you felt the warmth and softness of his lips on your cold, shivering ones. Your brain finally registered what was going on. You kissed him back letting some of the intoxication slip away from you.

"I want to be with you," He said, settling next to you.

"I want to be with you too," You replied yawning.

You snuggled up to his chest awaiting for the major hangover to start in the next couple of hours. But you didn't need to worry anymore. Niall was there.

(A/N: Hii Guys!! Hope you guys like these imagines so far. Remember to Vote/Share :") and if you want you can follow my social media...
Twitter : KIDDO5SOS
Instagram : isisatalie
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