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You stood outside on the balcony, admiring the view.

Your hotel was on the beach and you probably had the best room!

You could smell the salt of the ocean as you watched the blue waves turn white as they crashed onto the shore.

The wind gently blew your hair back.

You heard the sounds of the beach roaming in your ears, seagulls calling, the waves rolling, the seaboats out in the distance, and the soft laugh of children enjoying their vacation.

You felt a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist. Yoy turned sideways to see Niall.

His blue eyes were stunning in the morning light.

"Nice view huh?" he said, with a satisfied smile.

You nodded your head, " Its amazing Niall!"

You leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"You did good." you complimented with a smile.

Niall just smiled and shrugged with his shoulders.

"The beach isn't all the beautiful up here." he said

Your eyes grew in confusion, " Are yoy kidding me !? ts beautiful from here!"

Niall turned to you. His blue eyes meeting yours.

"No it's not." he said shaking his head, "Its only the second most beautiful thing i've seen." he said

Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "Then, what is the most beautiful thing you've seen?"

The wind blew a strand of hair into your face. Niall brushed the piece behind your ear and smiled shyly, "You (Y/N)."

You could feel yourself blush, "Aww, Niall!" You exclaimed and kissed the corner of his lips as yo guys continued to watch the shore.

Niall Horan Imagines [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now