Dirty (Part 2)

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You start crying because you were just a bitch to him and you didn't let him explain himself and just blamed it all on him. He didn't do anything, of course you were afraid he wouldn't come back.

Galdly, though, he did.

You heard the door open and slam shut again. Footsteps followed after in your direction. You turned around, to see Niall.

"I didn't mean that, i-"

"Niall just listen, Im sorry. I was just scared, worried, and upset. I'm so sorry.." You blurted out.

With his thumb, he wiped away some of the tears running down your cheeks.

"Love, why are you crying? Its no big deal, babe. Its my fault for not telling you and just storming off like that. I forgive you for your apology that wasnt needed," He chuckled at the last part, "Do I get an award or something, for being forgiven?you know...."

You smirked. You exactly knew what he was trying to do,"You want a little extra forgiveness?"

He blushed and winked. He took your hand and dragged you into the bedroom before closng the door.

Slowly, Niall made his way to you. You were lying on the bed, facing the ceiling.

He tells you to sit on the bed and you do as you were told. He takes off your shirt and undoes your bra.

You feel a little chilly, but then warmth spreads inside your body as Niall starts sucking on one of your nipples.

You moan in pleasure as his tounge makes its way down to your stomatch toward your shorts.

He takes them off along with your panties. He opens your legs wide and starts playing with your clit with his tounge, tracing shapes into it.

You moan loudly, taking in all the pleasures he allows. Then, he decides to enter a finger into you.

You buck your hips into his direction, making him chuckle.

After finishing that bit, He takes off all of his clothes and lays next to you.

You take his hardened member and start pumping it with your hand.

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