Dirty (Part 3) -Last Part-

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"Oh god yeah babe, faster," He moaned, causing you to smirk.

Your mouth made its way to his dick and before you know it, you start bobbing your head, swirling your tongue around, hearing some hot moans coming out of Niall's mouth.

You pull away, feeling that he is close, but you take him back into your mouth, just breathing hot air on his hardened member.

You can feel his member twitch in your mouth, sending his cum down your throat, and you swallow it.

Your want overcomes you and you stand on your knees, hovering over him and positioning yourself onto his dick.

You sit down slowly, you and him both moaning, and start riding him slowly. Your hips move in circles And he pulls you down on him further, making him moan your name.

After you've let yourself adjust to his size more, you start riding him faster and harder, until you both reach your climaxes.

You bit your bottom lip as you clench around him, and that's what set  him over the edge. He came into you, growling your name along with a few profanities.

Your body collapses onto him. You catch your breath before you get off of him and lay down.

"Well that was really nice," You sighed.

He nodded in agreement, "I love you (Y/N)," He turned his head to you and smiled.

"Love you too Niall," You giggled.

You scooted closer to him and he pulled you into his chest.

He brought the covers up and whispered 'sweet dreams' , before you both driffted off into a heavy sleep.

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