First Kiss

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( Personal imagine for @NiallsBurger69 )

"Amy?" asked Niall looking at you with a serious expression

"Yeah Niall?" i asked putting my book down to put my full attention on him.

"Can i kiss you?" he asked a bit nervous.

        It was an out-of-the-blue, spur-of-the-moment question and his cheeks flamed right after asking it. i laughed a little.

"I didn't mean to put you on the spot or anything, but we've been dating for a while now and i just really want to kiss you but i don't want to pressure you or anything so i'll be okay if you don't want to but i just thought it'd be polite to ask in case you aren't the type who likes surprise kisses and i dont even know why im still talking because im sure i just made a fool of myself and you probably want to break up..."

          What a ramble this boy was.

You cut him off, "Niall."

           He looked up at me, blue eyes full of a cocktail of emotion.

"Just kiss me" i said with a smile

        He reached out very tentatively and cupped my face in his hands. He slowly leaned into me, his lips barely hovered over mine. He took a deep breath to steel himself before swooping back to capture my lips.

          He tasted of a combination of the soda and candy he had had a few moment before, mixed with something undeniably Niall, some kind of spice. Possibly cinnamon.

He pulled away and looked right at me, "Was that alright?"

   I smiled and nodded. Wrapping my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.


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