Valentines Day.

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You wake up and shiver from the absence of Niall's body heat next to you. His sheets were neatly peeled away, signaling that he was already awake. You sighed deeply. Knowing Niall, he had probably planned some wonderful Valentines Day surprise for you, when what you really wanted was just to have a day with him alone.

Lately, he was busy doing signings, interviews, recording, award shows, and basically anything. You name it. He was never just with you. You never wanted to confront him about it, because, after all, He couldn't really help it. He was a celebrity. It was his dream to be this big, and you didnt want to put him in a position where he might have to choose between you and his career. That would be unfair to both, you and especially Niall.

You hear the shower turning on which meant that Niall was taking a shower. You try to get up, but your tiredness overtakes you, and you lay back down on the bed, giving up.

You think of many things, including your relationship with Niall. He was kind, sweet, romantic, everything you ever wanted. He treated you right, he listened to what you had to say when you were upset and needed someone to talk to. Niall never pressured you into doing anything. He was absolutely amazing and kind. Despite the fact that you and Niall had been dating for a year, he still gave you butterflies.

He still made you blush when he complimented you and he still treated you like you were his world. As you continue to think about this you can't help but smile to yourself. Your thoughts were interrupted by Niall walking into the bedroom.

"Morning Princess," Niall smiled as he walked out of the bathroom.

A white t-shirt hugged his damp torso, showing his abs, and a pair of jeans rested just below his hips. Your cheeks turn a light shade of pink a his hearty compliment.


Nialls beautiful blue eyes roamed your face in love and adoration. You can tell he was madly inlove with you.

"I'll be right back," Niall said and rushed out of the room.

You layed there dumbfounded and wondered where he was running off to. Before you could protest, he was right back through the door with a bouquet of tulips and a black box.

"For you my love," He chuckled, handing you a small felt box which contained a lovely necklace.

"Niall..." You breathed.

He was such a romantic. He would do anything to surprise you on Valentines day.

"I wanted to get you something that proved to you that even thought I am away a lot, I still think about you every minute of each day. You still make me heart stop with your beauty. Your laugh makes me melt. Your touch is like lightening and I am lovestruck. I love you (Y/N). Happy Valentines day".

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