Ice Skating

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(My birthday's coming up. woot woot. January 8 ^.^ excited !! )

"C'mon! Skate faster!" Your boyfriend, Niall said to you as he skated around the arena like a pro.

"I can't skate like that!"You said giggling as you held onto the sides so you wouldn't slip.

"its easy babe." Niall said as he skated over to you.


         He motioned his hand out for you to grab. You held both as Niall slowly pulled you away from the side. You shut your eyes not wanting to fall and embarrass yourself infront of him.

        When you opened your eyes, your noticed everything from the back of Niall getting closer and closer. He was skating backwards holding your hands so you wouldn't fall back.

"See, just like walking normally. "He said smiling

        You couldn't help but smile back. He was so cute, teaching you how to skate.

"Imma let go now...But before i do, i want a kiss for a reward." He said pouting his lips waiting for a kiss

       You giggled and softly placed your lips on his. After 5 seconds you pulled away. He smiled and slowly let go of your hands. You wobbled a bit but managed to keep your balance as you saw Niall skate away.

"Come skate to me for your reward" He said smirking.

       You groaned and gave Niall a look. He just kepts smirking at you.

       Slowly, you moved your right foot forward and then moved your left.

       Before you realized it... you were finally ice skating! you smiles and once you reached Niall you wrapped your arms around him tightly his neck.

he chuckled and hugged back,"I knew you'd make it baby." he said pecking your lips as your reward.


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