Nothing Compares To The Real Thing (Dirty 1)

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! ! ! ! ! (Dirty Imagine) ! ! ! ! !

You walked into Niall's flat using the spare key he gave you. You and Niall are best friends, so you basically went over whenever you felt like it. You walked upstairs to his bedroom. The door was slightly open, so you decided to peek in a little. You heard lots of moaning and the sound of skin flapping against eachother.

Opening the door a little more, you see Niallsitting on his bed, pumping himself, infront of the computer, watching porn. You immediately turn away, trying to process what you had just seen. You had decided to leave his flat and give him some privacy. Trying to get out as quickly as possible, you missed a step , and let out a yelp. Luckily, you grabbed the bar on the side, not making you more injured.

Once you got back on your feet, you looked up at the stairs and saw Niall looking at you nervously.

"You okay (Y/N)?" he asked starting to walk down the steps up to where you were.

"Yea..." you say not making eye contact

"So.... How come you were going downstairs instead of up ?..."


"You saw ,didn't you..." He asked a bit embarrased

You nodded and looked at the stairs, still trying not to make eye contact.

After a few second you felt two big hands on your shoulders.

"You know.... Nothing compares to the real thing..."

You eyes widdened, was he being serious ? You turned and looked him in the eye, still shoked .

(Sorry for a late update, been busy with school and all... :/ anywayssss, Part 2 will be up in a bit (: xxxx )

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