Stop.. You're beautiful (Part 1)

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(   This imagine is for all the fans who have been cutting, doing pills, sudicidal thoughts.. etc. i want to let you know that you are beautiful/ handsome. Okay, dont let other people tell you other wise. whenever you have those thoughts, have the pills ready, or the blade placed on your skin, place your hand over your heart. You feel your heart beating..right? That is called purpose. You were put on this earth for a reason. stay strong loves, you can make it. i believe in you. X    )

   You were in your room sitting, your back against the wall. Windows shut, curtains covering them. The door closed, and the lights off, except for one. The lamp on the counter.

  You stared at it blanky thinking what you were going to do first.





      It was all going through your head. You put your hands over your face and sighed. You decided the one that was easiest and  simple. Draggng yourself over to the counter, you slowly opened it. Pulling out a shiny, sharp, new razor.

   You held it to the light and placed it on your forearm.

"I'm sorry for not being perfect.. the girl you wanted. But sorry, im only human."you sighed as you pressured the razor into your skin and slid it across.

   You let out a little groan from the little pain it gave you.

    How could something so bad feel so good? you thought as you made a couple more.

  You put the blade down and stares at your arms, now overflowing with blood. You sighed, you never wanted to end up like this, it just happened.. All the hate, bullying, critism.

   You couldnt take it anymore.. As a tear rolled down your cheek you grabbed the pill bottle that was next to the used razors.

   Opening it, you took about four. Each one had a cause.





    You quickly put them in your mouth, and swallowed without any drink. You coughed and looked at the clock. 7:30 pm. Niall wouldn't come home til another half an hour.

   Rolling onto the bed, you laid there for a while, wipping the remaning blood on your shirt. The blood was starting to stopped.

   You took out your phone with shaky hands and tweeted:

@(Y/T/N) "You guys won now.. Are you happy that you got what you wanted? i hope you are.."

   You threw your phone at the edge of the bed ignoring the buzz from all the notifications.

Niall's P.O.V.

   I was with the lads, playing guitar, singing around a campfire just like old times.

"Circles, we're going in circles

dizzy's all it makes us.

We know where it takes us,

we've been before closer..." Harry sang as he had his head on Louis' lap, Louis looking down at him smiling.

    I smiled seeing how happy they were and looked at the other guys. They were all on their phones, probably on twitter.

    I shrugged and laid back against the chair and closed my eyes.

"Uhm.. Niall?" I felt someone poke my arm.

"Yeah what is it?" i asked opening my eyes

"Look" Liam showed me his phone. It was a tweet, from (y/n).

     I looked at him with teary eyes. What does she mean 'you've won' ? I quickly got up

"I gotta go guys, see you later " I quickly ran throughout the house and into my car.

   I started the car, my hands shaking.

   What if im too late? What if she's already gone?..

   Dont think that Niall!! She's still alive. I believe she is..

   My eyes becoming blurry, i drove as fast as i could. Running red lights, not stopping at stop signs, good thing the roads were emptyish.

   Finally reaching our flat, i ran to the door. My hands were shaking, i could barely fit the key in the hole. I took a deep breath and busted the door open.

"(Y/N)!!" I yelled going up to the bedroom first.

    It was locked.. Great. My arms were going to be bruised tomorrow, but i could care less right now.

Your P.O.V.

    As i started to feel my eyes close i heard someone yell my name. It sounded like Niall, but it couldnt be him. He was with the guys.

   I then looked at the door and saw the doorknob start shaking.

"(Y/N)! Open it, please baby.." His voice sounded shaky

   It   w a s  Niall.

   As much as you would want to walk over and open it, you couldnt move your body.

   Your eyes startes to close. All you could hear was Niall struggling to open the door, As your eyes were almost shut, you saw the door swing open..

[part two coming in a bit]


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