Birthday Girl

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(Imagine for myself cause its finally January 8th! im finally 14! Happy birthday to me!! ahahaha  c:   )

         I woke up in the morning, excited. It was finally my birthday! I turned my whole body to make myself face my boyfriend, Niall, who was still asleep. I smiled and pecked his lips before getting up and getting ready.

        I went to our closet and searched for a cute outfit. After 10 minutes of looking i felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I slowly turned my body and saw Niall with his sleepy look.

"Goodmorning babe. Happy birthday." He said kissing my lips

i kissed back and pulled away"Goodmorning, and thank you babe really."

        He gave me a cheeky smile and gave me a tight hug. I giggled, i was so lucky to have him.

"Imma go take a shower, okay?" i said gathering the clothes i had picked.

          He nodded and walked out of the room. As i entered the bathroom i could hear Niall in the kitchen already.

"Special Birthday breakfast for meee"i said to myself after i turned on the water.

         After i finished taking a shower, i detangled my hair and went downstairs.

"I made you breakfast babe." Niall said putting a stack of 20 pancakes with fruit and chocolate poured all over them.

"Woah Niall! I cant eat all of these by myself! "I said staring at the huge stack infront of me.

"That's why we're going to eat it together! " He said taking a seat next to me with two big forks, "i love you babe."

"i love you too babe."

         He then gave me my fork and both of us started to see how we'd finish suc a big stack.


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