Gay (Part 2 , Last Part)

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"What is it?" You questioned once he never answered you and just laid his forehead against the wheel.

"I... I really don't know how to tell you, I've known you for three whole years." He said taking his head off the wheel and looking you in the eyes.

"I'm not gay."


"Wait, what?" You couldn't help but ask again.

"I'm not gay," he sighed running his fingers through his quiff," These whole three years I've spent with you.. Have been a lie.. I only tried to be gay so I can get closer to you. I liked you since Liam kept telling us about you and then that one time he brought you over... Harry said to act gay to see where that would get me but I'm tired of living this lie.."

You bite your bottom lip as all of this hit you. He wasn't gay, he was just trying to get closer to you.

"Niall..." You breathed not really knowing what to say.

"I know, I should have told you sooner or maybe just told you that I liked you that probably would have been easier, but anyways.. I don't even know what I'm saying. I get it if you're mad, because I honestly don't know what I would do if someone were to do this to me bu----"

You cut him off by pressing your lips against his. Your lips slowly moved with his.

Pulling away you looked at him and he started to turn red.

"No one ever has done that.. I have to admit I am a little mad.. But not a lot cause I thought you were cute when I first saw you too." You blushed as he drove you home.




LATE UPDATE •~•~•~•~•


My mommy is coming home today :D she was in Texas for a week and a half and she's coming back like at 12 yeeee.

And new cover bc HALLOWEEN IS ALMOST HERE BBY ! What are you guys going to be/ what are you going to do?

And again, is anyone interested in being in a project for Carter Reynolds?

If so kik me : isis.atalie

If you don't have a kik message me on here (:



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