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[ personal imagine for @livingthecrazy1Dlife ]

°°°Follow @.yailinofficial on twitter because she helped with the beginning°°°

           This is my second time this month being in the hospital due to too many pills and my deep cuts on my thighs and forearms. I was lying in the hospital bed looking at the small tv screen hung up on the wall.

           I heard a knock on the door and saw it open. I saw a handful of flowers, balloons, and a brown bear walk in. I couldnt tell who it was because of all the things covering the persons upper half.

"Uhm.. hello,"I said staring at the person as it walked closer.

"Hey babe." said the person

       Just with that i already knew it was Niall. He set the things for me on the little table by my bed and set next to me on the bed.

"Babe...." he said seriously


      i looked at him. He sighed and took my hand in his.

"This is the second time... Why?... Do you think you can tell me this time?" he asked with tears in his eyes as he looked at the scars on my arms.

      I sighed and lifted his head up with two fingers. He stared at me, still waiting for his answer.

"life's just too hard.. My parents are getting a devorce... My mom wont be able to pay the hospital bills all by herself..."


Nialls P.O.V

      I was thinking about all the things she was telling me... She's never told me this stuff before...

"I can help." i said looking into her eyes

"What?? No Niall, i-i can.."

i stopped her before she could finish,"Elena.. Listen to me.. Im going to help your mom pay the bills. Theres no buts or ifs. im G O I N G  to help. Imma go call her right now and tell her."

     I got off the bed and started heading to the door.


     i turned around and saw Elena looking at me smiling a bit.

"Yes my love?"

"i love you.. Thank you." she finally let her beautiful smile show

"Love you too."  i said as i walked out the door and calles her mom.

[    hoped you liked it (:   ]


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