I have always liked you

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"What do you look for in a girl?" You asked him.

"(Y/N), what i look for in a girl is that she can make me fall in love with her by just kissing or hugging me. Or with the simplest thing she does. She also has to be caring, respectful, shy... But crazy at the same time. But the most important... She can keep my heart safe, without shattering it into millions of pieces,"Niall replied to your question, looking into your eyes.

Every second that passes by, you can feel Niall leaning in. Until both of your foreheads touch. That sent electricity through your whole body. Your heart started to pound, your palms sweating.

"You know something (Y/N)?..." Niall asked rubbing his nose with yours.

"All the features i look for in a girl... You have them." Niall says to you.

He smashes his plump red lips into yours. Your stomatch explodes into millions of butterflies.

When you both pull away, Niall says, "That was the best kiss I ever had."

He cups your chin so that your looking into eachothers eyes," I have always liked you (Y/N) "


---So i decided to keep the imagines going on this account and update often. (: Thanks for 2k reads tho!!! <3 ---

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