So no Dinner?

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[Personal Imagine for @AcousticHoranx on twitter.She's a really amazing girl , you guys shoyld really talk to her (: she knows how to make me smile ^~^]

Niall's P.O.V.

I sat at the edge of the bed, in my tuxedo watching Imane get ready.

I watched as she straighted her brown curly hair.

I smiled, she looked so perfect, i just wanted to pick her up and kiss her all day if i could.

She had on a royal blue strapless dress on that ended a bit above her knees, with some black heels on.

"Yes?" she spoke in a soft voice

"Huh?" i cleared my throat as i sat up

She giggled and turned around to face me.

Gosh, she knew i was staring at her the whole time. I felt my cheeks heat up as i looked away.

"I love you Babe" she said as she came and sat behind me, My back against her front.

I looked up to meet her eyes.

Imane's P.O.V.

I looked down at him, and noticed a few seconds later he looked up to meet my eyes.

"I love you too." he said in a whisper

I smiled and pecked his lips.

I felt him smile in the kiss as i pulled away.

He looked at me, his eyes like a little puppy when you have the leash in your hand and and it's looking at you, waiting for it to be tied around him.

He got up and got on his knees, facing me.

His hands held onto my waist as our foreheads touched.

I smiled and wrapped mines around his neck as i played with the hairs in the back of his head.

"I love you so much. You honestly have no idea, but im about to show you tonight." he spoke, his ocean blue eyes looking into my brown ones

I blushed at the thought , im about to show you tonight.

My eyes traveled from his eyes, to his lips, and back to his eyes. A smirk was plastered onto his face as he leaned in and pressed his lips against mine.

I giggled as he layed me down on the bed.

Without breaking the kiss, he hoovered over me, both hands placed on the side of my head.

After a heated make out session, he pulled away.

"Uhm, i think our dinner date isnr going to happen huh?" I giggled playing with his hair

"I guess not babe... But something else might." He smirked, wiggling his eyebrows.

I chuckled as i sat in his lap facing him, sorta straddling him.

Niall's P.O.V.

I smiled as Imane sat down on my lap, until i realized she started straddling me. My smile turned into a smirk as i looked into her eyes.

She had the same smirk plastered on her face.

Dont get a boner Niall.


It was hard to control, very very hard. I had to find a way to get her off before i embarrass myself.

I picked her up with both my hands and laid her on her back, i hoovered over her once again.

She played with the hem of my shirt, looking in my eyes as if she was asking for permission.

I nodded as she quickly sat up and pulled it over my head.

Her eyes scanned my body. I noticed her little smiled. I lifted up her face with my two fingers so her gaze could meet mine.

"i love you so much baby, its unexplainable really. I'm really glad you and i are together."i whispered before pressing my lips onto hers.

Her arms wrapped around my neck as the kiss deepened. She started to sit up without breaking the kiss, my arms then started to find the zipper on her dress.

She smirked as i pulled away and took off her dress.

My lips traveled from her breasts, to her shoulder, neck, and her jaw. I could hear her moans escape her mouth.

Imane's P.O.V.

Niall and I were having a really heated moment in the room. My hands were playing with the hairs on the back of his head as he searched for the clip of my bra.

I smirked and helped him out, he playfully winked and threw it across the room. I played with the buckle on his pants as he gently kissed my neck, leaving me love bites.

He then slowly slid off my underwear as he kissed me lower going in between my breasts,

I let out soft moans as i finally unbuttoned his pants and slid them off pretty quickly. I didnt hesitate to pull down his boxers at the same time.

My eyes grew wide as i saw his friend.

He chuckled as he set me on his lap, facing him. His hands on my waist as he leaned in to kiss me.

As i leaned in more, i realized his friend went inside of me.

I let out a moan as i pulled away.

"N-niall" i moaned

He smirked, i could tell he loved teasing me like this, then i remembered...

I stood on my knees and grabbed his friend as i slowly sat on it.

Both of us moaning, he clutched onto my waist as i had my hands around his neck.

I slowly and teasingly started to ride him. His moans got louder

"Uhhhh, baaaaabe" he moaned as he grabbed my waist tighter.

I bit my bottom lip and pecked Nialls lips. I got off of him and sat beside him.

He pecked my lips one more

"Love you babe" he whispered into my ear

i smiled and looked over at him, "I love you too."

He smiled and drapped his arm over my waist bringing me closer to his body.


We both quickly jumped and covered up as we saw Harry at the entrance of the door with Louis and Zayn.

"Dont you guys know how to knock!?" Niall asked annoyed

"Well yeah but..." He pointed at the both of us

"OUT!" Niall yelled

"Okay, you may continue.." Harry smirked as the guys left the room

I looked over at Niall and he was really red.

I giggled and interweined my fingers with his.

"We gonna continue?" He asked chuckling

I smiled and nodded as this time he got ontop of me....

[Hope you liked it love x ]


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