Am i a princess daddy?

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          You were in the hospital with your 6 year old daughter who had cancer. Doctors said she wouldn't be able to live for long, which is why you and your husband Niall spent all the time you guys could with her.

          It was your lunch break and you bought some food and went to see your daughter. When you walked through the door, you saw her laying in bed watching t.v. and cuddling a stuffed animal you had given her the other day.

"Hi sweetie." you smiled

"mommy! yay!" she opened up her arms wide, waiting for a hug.

     You giggled and hugged her, kissng the top of her head.

"When's daddy coming?" katie asjed sitting up so you could sit next to her

"Well, its barely 12 sweetheart, he's coming at 2 o'clock today." you answered.

She nodded,"he called and said he had a surprise for me!" she jumped with joy

"Aww Katie. Well, my lunch break's over, i'll stop by after work, okay?"

      She nodded.  I kissed her forehead and walked out.

Katie's P.O.V.

       I lay down in the hospital bed watching Spongebob and eating cookies my mommy had left. My daddy would come in a little bit.

*2 hours later*

Niall's P.O.V.

     I rushed to the hospital with a bag in my hands. It was already 2:30 pm, i was running late to see Katie. i had promised her i'd be there at 2, but i had to get her her surprise. I rushed up the elevators and into her room. She was almost asleep.

"Katie?" i whispered and lightly shook her

"Daddy?" she asked rubbing her eyes

"Yes princess, its me."

      She sat up and smiled sleepily. I sat next to her and put the bag on the edge of the bed.

"What's that?" she asked me pointing to the bag

"Its for you" i said handing it to her

She smiled,"Can i open it now?" she asked in a sweet tone, how could i say no to that!?

"yes" i kissed her cheek.

     She opened up the bag and smiled. Her eyes sparkled as she pulled out a cinderella dress with a matching crown.

"Daddy! i love it! thank you" she threw her self to me and kisses my cheek

"Glad you like it princess" i smiled,"want to put it on?"

    She nodded. I helped her put on the dress and the crown

"Do i look like a princess?" she asked laying down beside me

"No, you look better than a princess."i smiled and kisses her cheek.

"Can you sing me a song so i can nap?"

    I nodded and lightly started to sing,

"im broken, do you hear me?

im blinded, cause you are everything

i see. im dancing alone, im

praying that your heart will

just turn around. As i walk up to

your door, my head starts to face

the floor."

     I noticed that she had already fallen asleep. I yawn, i guess i could sleep with my princess today. I lightly kissed the side of her head.

"Goodnight princess." i whisperes before i shut my eyes.


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