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(personal imagine for @austin_luver . (: enjoy!! )

Shelby's P.O.V

          Today my best friend Niall and I were going to six flags just for the heck of it. I was getting ready in my upstairs bathroom. I put my hair in a messy bun, with some faded jean color high waisted shorts and a regular purple t-shirt.  If we're going on water rides, whats the point of getting all dressed up? I ran down the stairs when i heard a knock on the door.

"If its Niall its open! If its not.. I have a gun!" i yelled from the couch slipping on my black and white converse.

        I heard a familiar laugh that sounded exactly like Nialls. I smiled as i watched him enter the door. He had worn a black t-shirt, jeans and his dark shades on.

"Ello love"

"Ello niall" i tried imitating his thick irish accent.

        He smiled a bit and came to sit next to me on the couch.

"ready to go?" he questioned

"Yup just grab two muffins from the kitchen so we could have a snack" i said pointing to the kitchen

        He nodded and did as he was told. I got up from the couch and went to the door. He followed. We then left to six flags.

        We spent a couple hours there, laughing, having fun, just us two. It was about time we almost went home.

"Shelby!" i heard a voice scream my name

     I turn around to where the voice was coming from. It was a guy that looked my age. i just gave him a confused look. How did he know me? He looked down, smiled and walked towards me.

"You dont remember me??" he asked

      I slowly shook my head

"Marcus. Marcus Dave, we were in the same acting class 2 years ago!"

"oh yeah! i remember you!" i said smiling and gave him a hug

"whose this?" he asked looking at Niall

"Hello Niall, im---"

"Marcus, yeah yeah i know... but Shelby and i have to get going." Niall said grabbing my arm.

"we can stay a little more." i said giving Niall a look

      He groans and went to go sit at a nearby bench while Marcus and I really hit it off. We swapped phone numbers then i walkes back to Niall.

"Wanna go now?" i asked

      He  just nodded. We walked to the car in silence. The car ride home was also silent. So i just took a nap.

Nialls P.O.V.

    While driving Shelby home, i noticed she had fallen asleep on the way. I smiled a bit and paked infront of her house.

i slowly shook her"Shelby.. Sheblyyyyy"

"Marcus?" she questioned in her sleepy voice and opened her eyes, "oh its you Niall."

       I tightly clentched on the steeribg wheel furiously. Marcus, Urgh  hated that guy!! Shebly mustve noticed that ive gotten mad and put her hand on my shoulder.  i calmed down a bit and looked at her.

"you okay Nialler?" she asked

      I shook my head. i needed to tell her now before its too late.

"i like you Shelby! like a lot...." i said looking at her straight in the eyes.

     Her expression was like she was shocked but a good kind of shocked.

"Niall...." was all she said

"Be mine.. please, i can treat you the way you want to be treated. I will give you everything, just give me a chance.... please??"

        She nodded and jumped into my arms.



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