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"Niall?" You called out walking into the house.

"Babe, im home!" You called out again, setting the groceries down on the kitchen counter.

All of a sudden, you heard voices and moans.

"What the hell.." You mumbled to yourself.

You slowly walked upstairs.

"Faster, Niall!" You heard someone yell.

There's no way this could be happening right now. Niall wouldn't cheat, right? You stopped infront of the bedroom door, when you saw a red bra.

"No...." You mumbled shakily, your lips trembling, tears forming in your eyes.

You slowly opened the door, and stared at the scene in front of you. There was Niall, having sex with your best friend on the bed.

"I love you," He breathed out, kissing her lips.

"I love you too," She moaned, tugging the pieces of hair on the back of his head.

"Niall?" You mumbled, tears pooling at your eyes.

He quickly pulled away, his eyes widened in shock.

"Oh my god, (Y/N)!" He exclaimed.

"Dont you dare speak to me, you either. (Y/B/F/N) how could you!? And Niall!?! Were through!" You cried running down the stairs.

"Baby wait!" Niall shouted, trying to running after you while tugging on some underwear.

You put on your shoes, and opened up the door. Before you could open the door all the way, Niall closed it shut.

"LET ME GO NIALL!" You sobbed, hitting his chest repeatedly.

"(Y/N), please let me explain...Baby, I'm sorry" He cried, hugging you tightly.

"No! I hate you!" You yelled.

All of a sudden, your now EX bestfriend came down the stairs.

"Get out," You demanded.

"(Y/N), I'm so so--"


She gave you two one last glance and walked out. You didn't even bother to look at Niall and stormed upstairs to pack your things.

"(Y/N) please let me explain!!..." Niall went down on his knees and started to beg.

You ignored him and continued to put some of your things in the luggage.

You heard weeping and you knew it was Niall.

You didnt bother to look cause you knew you would also get down on your knees and squeeze him to death.

You closed your eyes as you passed him and went down the stairs to the door. Looking up at the top of the stairs, you didnt see Niall chasing you.

"Goodbye Niall.." You whispered as you slammed the door shut with your suitcase following behind you.

You then left, hoping sooner or later you and Niall would work things out.

Not knowing where to go, you finally decided it would be best if you went to your parents' place.

It was closest, about 5 blocks away. You dragged your suitcase behind you and left it behind a bush so your parents wouldnt be suspicious.

Once your parents opened up the door you explained what happened between you and Niall and they agreeded to let you stay for as long as you want.

--------1 week later-------

You were sitting down on your parents couch watching sappy love movies and eating from a bucket of icecream. There was a knock on the door so you dragged yourself over to open it.

"Yes?" You said but then looked up to see your ex's four best mates standing at the door.

"(Y/N) thank god!!"  Liam yelled, embracing you in a tight hug, you didnt even bother to hug back.

"What do you guys want?" You asked pushing liam off of you.

"Go back with Niall, please?" Zayn pleaded, his brown eyes looked as if he needed sleep.

"After what he did to me? No thank you," And with those words you started to close the door, a foot stoping it from being completely shut.

It slammed open and all the four boys walked in making themselves at home.

"uhhh..." You managed to say looking at the boys.

"Look (Y/N).... Niall's a mess! He hasn't showered, he doesnt eat anything, he only drinks, gets drunk, but that only makes it worse!" Harry said shaking his head making his curls fall infront of his face.

You looked down at your soft froggy slippers. Niall wasnt like that, when you two were together, he never got drunk, he ate 24/7, and always remembered to shower.

You two were the same and you hated being stinky and all the other stuff.

You sighed and looked at the guys,"Fine... I'll go talk to him..." You mumbled.

The boys cheered and took you to the flat you two had shared. You guys had talked it out and made love for the first time for a forgiveness.

(well someone asked me to finish this so here it is (: )


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Niall Horan Imagines [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now