After school Detention ( Part 1 )

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Omg who else has read The Fault In Our Stars by John Green ? asdfghjkl it is frickin amazing i love it so much!! It makes you cry and stuff /.\ Cant wait til the movie! :D



"Mom! Can you hurry up i'm going to be late... Again!" You yelled at your mom from the doorway

"I'm coming, im coming!" Your mom told you rushing down the stairs.

"Okay then, hurry!" You groaned grabbing the keys from the key hook and going to the car.

You mom later joined you and quickly drove you to school.

"Bye mom love you!" You yelled, getting off the car, running to your class.

"Imma be late.." You mummbled as you checked your phone, roaming through the hallway.

You finally made it to class, along with some other kid who was also late.

"You two.. late again. You have detention after school." Your teacher, Mr.Glaznier said.

Both of you nodded and quietly took your seats.


The day had gone by pretty quickly. You had gone to all your classes, talked to your friends at lunch, and finally the day was over.

"Hey (Y/N) , wanna go to the mall?" Your best friend, (Y/B/F/N), asked as you two were in the hallway.

"Cant.. I got detention." You sighed shoving your book into your locker.

"Oh that sucks.. Well see you later." She gave you a sad smile

You nodded and headed over to the detrntion room.

When you got there, your teacher, Mr.Glaznier was writting the rules onto the white board.

"Uhm, I'm here Mr.Glaznier." You quietly spoke, taking a seat in the front of the class.

He stopped writing on the board and looked over at you, "You're finally early."

You slowly nodded and looked down at your desk.

A few minutes after, The kid you had walked in with when school started arrived.

"Ahhh, Niall Horan. Come, sit." He motioned over to the seat next to you

He nodded and slowly walked over to you, placing his stuff on the desk and sitting down.

"You two are the only ones in detention, so, im going to go get se coffee and i'll return. Do anything and you'll be suspended." Mr.Glaznier spoke sternly

"Yes sir." You both responded as you watched him walk out.

"He is such a loser huh." The kid spoke, smirking as he sat ontop of the desk

"Uhm.. We cant talk, or else we'll get suspended." You spoke quietly, reminding him.

"Pshh, i dont really care." He smirked, "Im Niall by the way, and you are?"

"(Y/N)." You smiled as you sat down on the desk beside him.

He nods and stayed staring at you.

"Why are you staring at me?" You felt yourself start to blush.

"Cause youre beautiful." He chuckled putting his hand close to yours.

You stayed looking down at your hands and smiled, enjoying the moment. After a while, you looked up to meet his ocean blue eyes.

He smiled and intertwiened your fingers together. It felt as if you two had known eachother for a while.

"I thought detentiom would be boring as hell.. But i actually like it." He smiled

"Me too." You giggled

His eyes met yours and he smiled once again.

"Can i ask you this crazy question?" He smiled looking down at your hands

"Anything." You responded, your eyes locked on him.

"C-Can i kiss you?" He licked his bottom lip and his gaze met yours.

Giggling you nodded and cupped his face, bringing it close to yours.

"Yes. you may." You whispered, your lips brushing his.

You could feel him smile as his lips pressed on yours.

Instantly you could feel those butterflies going crazy in your stomatch.

Could this be love at first sight.

He finally pulled away, resting his forehead on yours.

You bite your bottom lip and opened your eyes. He was alread staring at you.

"Wow.." He breathed out.



Dun Dun D U N !  Hope you guys like it, Part 2 will be posted later hehe (:


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