Daddy ?

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( just so you all know, yes i can make some personal imagines (: just inbox me your name and how you want it to be and i'll be able to make it. if you comment i will most likely not see it because my phone takes forever to load them. So, just letting you know (:      )

••• personal imagine for evelyn_navarro •••

            Today was me and my husband, Niall's, anniversary since we got married 2 years ago. I awoke early throwing up and had been curious as to why. I waited for Niall to leave to his work so i could get a pregnancy test just in case....

"Morning Babe." he said as he entered the kitchen and lightly pressed his lips onto my cheek.

I smiled a bit and flipped the pancake, "Goodmorning. Do you have work today?"

"You know it.." he said with a sigh.

       I gave him a couple of pancakes and the toppings he puts on them.

"Oh, babe. Tonight i don't get out of the studio until probably 10 or 11."

           You slowly nodded. You hated when Niall had to stay late at the studio. You felt lonley and had to go to bed by yourself.

"Gaaah. Im running late. I'll see you later babe." He kissed your forehead and practically ran out the door.

"I'll be back Sparky." you petted your pet dog and went to the store.


       You tried your best to hide the pregnancy test so Niall wouldnt be getting with management and all. You went back home and took it. The test was in your hands, but your eyes were closed. You were too scared to look at it. What if it was positive ?

          Once you had the courage to you opened your right eye a bit and saw i say positive. You quietly gasped and slowly walked out of the restroom and hide the test under the bed.

- Later at Night.

Niall's P.O.V

         I barely got out of the studio, it was about 9 ish. I was about to g home, then i remembered Kylie was at a resteraunt waiting for me. Shoot. I ran to my car to meet her right away before she gets all mad and stuff.

         When i arrived, i saw her in her blue, tight, silky dress. I smirked, she looked beautiful as always.

"Babe, i'm sorry im late... its just i--"

"Shush. i dont want to hear it. Lets just go inside and eat." She stated as she grabbed my hand

            I always warned her not to do that incase the paparazzi show up and then evelyn sees it.. But tonight,  decided to ignore it. We grabbed a table at the far right corner and sat infront of eachother.

"You still with that Evelyn girl ?" she asked rolling her eyes

"Yes.." i didn't want to say any more

"You should break up with her so we could stop sneaking around baby..." She got up from her seat and sat next to me very closely.


          I bit my bottom lip trying to prevent myself from kissing her but i just couldn't help it. My lips crashed onto hers.


          I heard her clap and right when i was about to open my eyes, i saw a bright flash. I quickly pulled away and saw lots of paparazzi taking pictures of the two of us. They started asking me lots of questions.

"No no no no no no no no no" I grabbed my jacket and went into my car.

         Before they could follow me, i turned on my car and speeded home. I did my best to go in quietly to not wake up Evelyn, but when i entered she was sitting on the couch on her phone.

Evelyn's P.O.V

      I saw Niall enter the living room, it was barely about to be 10. Looks like they finished a little early.

"Hi babe." He said and took a spot next to me on the couch

"Hi. They let you out early today?"


       I nodded and went on twitter. My mentions were blowing up more than before. I decided to look through and everyone was tweeting me a picture. I'm guessing it was of Niall and I. I opened it and saw Niall with another girl kissing. I glanced at him and he's wearing the exact same outfit he's wearing now..

      I startes to get worried and a bit angry. What if this is the reason he's been coming home late lately ?.. I threw my phone on his lap.

I cleared my throat, " care to explain this ??"

         He grabbed my phone and looked at the photo. I heard him curse.

"Uhm... i dont know... its probably edited.." he said putting my phone on my side.

"Edited ?? Suuure... You're cheating on me Niall !" with that, i ran up to the room crying.

       Luckily, i found a suitcase and started to pack some of the things. I couldn't believe him.. Trying to lie to me... I turned around to see him standing at the doorway. i zipped up my suitcase and pushed him out of the way.

"Babe  . Its not what it looks like..."

"Dont call me that anymore." i growled and walked downstairs.

"I can't call you babe !?"

"No ! Were over Niall ! and im pregnant with your kid!"

        Those were my last words. I stormed out with my suitcase following behind me. I was thinking of staying with my parents.

-4 Years later-


"Yes Sweetie ?"

        I kneeled down to the height of my daughter.

"Can we go to the park ?"

"Uhm, sure. Let me go change."

      I went to my room to go change into something casual. Then i garbbed hair products to comb Mariahs hair. I walked back downstairs, Mariah was already by the door trying to open it.

I giggled, " Mariah, i need to do your hair first."

"Ok mommy!"

She sat down on my lap as i combed out her dirty blonde hair into pigtails.

"finished ?"

"Yes sweetie."

         when she turned around to look at me, i smiled a bit. She looked so much like Niall. The eyes, the hair, the pale skin.... If only he had got a chance to see her..

         We walked to the park , it was only about 3 blocks away from our apartment. As we walked we bumped into some one.

"Oh, sorry ab--- Evelyn ??...."

       I looked up and saw it was niall. I simply nodded. He looked down and saw Mariah. He bent down so her could be almost her height.

"Hello" he said the softest he could

      When she looked at him her smile grew huge, she wrapped her arms around him, "Daddy !!"


Niall Horan Imagines [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now