The Day

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He silently watched her from the afar. Ever single movement she made, he watched.

The minute his eyes landed on her, he couldn't take them off.

To him, this girl seemed so special. He needed to know more about her, even if he didnt know her. She could be the one.

"Niall, here's a Cd," Liam's arm extended with the cd over to where Niall was.

"Niall," Liam looked over at him, he soon got the idea and looked over to where he was looking.

There, he was a girl in line laughing with her friends.

"If you dont hurry up and sign all these things, you're not going to meet her."

Niall's usual grin was plastered on his face, and his cheeks were even more pink, "S-sorry.." He laughed and went back to work.


"Niall?" Her head rose up from his chest.

"Hmm?" He looked at her with a smile.

"When you first saw me. How did that happen? How did you feel?" Her eyes stared at him waiting for an answer.

He took time to go back to that day. That day that changed his life forever.


His laughed being dragged out of his thoughts, "Well..."

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