Stop.. You're Beautiful (Part 2 Last part)

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Still Your P.O.V.

Your eyes started to close. All you could hear was Niall struggling to open the door, As your eyes were almost shut, you saw the door swing open... Before your eyes completely shut.

Niall's P.O.V.

When i opened the door i saw her eyes shut.

I'm too late..

I kneeled at the side of the bed. Holding her hand in mines.

"Babe..."i said n my shaky voice,"Wake up please..."

Nothing. A tear rolled down my cheek as i called the ambulance


Still Niall's P.O.V

I waited outside of (Y/N)'s room. Waiting for the doctor to come out and tell me atleast something. I burried my head in my hands. I sat back up and sighed. I decided to go on twitter to see what people were saying.

' @.YailinOfficial : What's wrong with @(Y/T/N)? )": I hope she's okay.. xx '

' @.xHarryScene : Sooo i heard that @.(Y/T/N) was in the hospital.. yikes. Hope she's fine. '

'@._8987twerk : Yay! @(Y/T/N) is in the hospital! :D Hopefully she'll die! Hahah i'm enjoying this so much (: '

' @.UhhMahxne : @NiallOfficial i hope @(Y/T/N) is okay! Please keep us updated! /: '

I sighed. People really need to learn to respect people. Why did they hate her? She was an angel..


I shoved my phone in my pocket and stood up once i heard the doctor's voice.

"y-yes?" i asked raising an eyebrow.

"She's going to be alright." He nodded

I sighed in relief.

"Thank you so much Doctor." I smiled

"You may see her now." He assured as he walked away.

I took a deep breath and twisted the doorknob. Slowly, i stepped inside and saw her lying in bed.

"Hi babe." I smiled a little as i took a seat at the edge of her bed

"Hi.."She spoke softly.

"Why? You promised me.." I said looking into her eyes.

Your P.O.V.

"Why? You promised me.." He said looking into my eyes.

I sighed and looked away. I could feel him still looking at me.

"Babe.." He said

I looked at him once again," Im sorry Niall. It just happened. I kept reminding my self that i promised you.. But its hard. You cant just stop. its like stabbing a knife into someone and telling them to stop bleeding... You cant just stop cutting Niall, no matter how hard i try.." A tear rolled down my cheek.

Nice going myself. You let Niall down. How could you do this?

As i looked down, I felt him grab my arm and lightly place a kiss on it. I looked up a him, His eyes were watery, as if he were about to cry.

"Im sorry baby... But please.. Call me before you do anything like this.. This stuff scares me to death.." He sighed.

I nodded before hugging him with all my might.

[Again, Stay strong peoples <3 i love you, and believe in you, X if you ever need someone to talk to, just tweet me @.tumblinstyles 'Strong NHI' and i will know you read my stories and we can talk, Okay? Love you X ]


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