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Niall hates paparazzi. He absolutely despises all the bright lights and the ignorant voices calling his name over and over again, but for some reason tonight, Upon the red carpets at the Brit Awards, He enjoyed all the attention.

"Niall! Over here!" The paparazzi all shouted eagerly, aiming their cameras at the two of you.

Though you were completely nervous, you managed to flash a smile at all the flashing cameras, trying to look as if you've done this plenty of times. You let out a quick sigh when felt your boyfriends arm slither across your back. Niall didn't like these type of things, posing for cameras and all. You knew that, however, the second you turned your head to him, he had the most astonishing and realistic smile. His eyes even seemed to sparkle too.

"You okay?" you whisper

He shifted his attention to you, "Of course," He replied wiggling his eyebrows,"Why wouldn't I be?"

You took a quick glance at all the cameras, then back at him.

"I just thought you didn't like any of this." you said concerned

It took a while until his smile took over his lips again.

"As long as I'm with you... I'm okay" He said smiling at you.

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