Furniture Store

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    "Mm babe tha smells amazing!" Niall exaggerated as he closed his eyes in pleasure.

  "Why, thank you!" You replied laughing.

   You and your best friend, Niall, were running around a furniture store acting crazy as usual. You were pretending to be married. You acted like you were taking a cake out of the oven.

"Ahh. I'm tired." Niall whined, "Come to bed with me!" He laughed grabbing your hand and running to the nearest bed that was on display.

"You're a great wife." Niall whispered.

  Your smile slowly faded, concentrating on his face. Slowly, Niall leaned in. Your lips met for a second when someone yelled," Hey, you two! Get off the bed!"

You squealed when Niall jumped off and took you with him, running out of the store laughing.

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