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You were always that type of girl that hung out with the guys because it was less drama.

You had nine best guy friends.

They were, Niall, Liam, Harry, Louis, Zayn, Michael, Ashton, Luke, and Calum.

Today you guys were going to a club later on that night.

You had on a red dress that perfectly fitted your body, with black strappy heels.

Your hair was curled with a wand.

You looked at yourself once more before you heard a honk .

Looking out the window, you saw three cars parked outside.

You grabbed your clutch and headed out into the driveway.

"Who's taking me?" You giggled

"Me!" Ashton shouted

You rushed over to his car and found Liam, Luke, and Niall in already.

"Well looks like I'm the last one huh." You spoke

They all nodded and scooted over for you to sit.

"You look beautiful." Luke smiled at you.

"Thanks." You gushed, " You don't look bad yourself."

He chuckled and wrapped an arm around your shoulders.

"What club are we going to?" You questioned

"Club wakka" Liam replied.


After 15 minutes, you guys arrived at the club.

You and Luke walked out together.

"Hey (Y/N). Where's my hug?"

You turned around and saw Niall pouting with his arms open.

You couldn't help but smile and go into his strong arms.

He held onto you tightly, until you heard someone clear their throat.

Both of you pulled away and saw Luke waiting for you two.

"Ready?" Luke asked, raising his eyebrow and extending his hand out to you.

You nodded and took it, " See you inside Niall." You gave him a small smile.

He just nodded, as if something was bothering him, and you don't know what.

All of you got inside and immediately went to a bar tender.

"Niall, you okay?" You asked once he took a seat next to you

He nodded, not making contact with you.

Luke put his arm around your waist and brought you closer to his chest.

"Whatever you get, it's on me babe." He whispered into your ear

You couldn't help but smile, he was being really sweet to you.

From the corner of your eye, you could see Niall looking down and he left.

No one else noticed because they were too busy drinking.

"Excuse me Luke, I have to go to the bathroom. I'll back back, okay?" You spoke, getting off the stool

He nodded, "alright. Kissy kissy." He made the kissy face

All you did was peck his lips and walked away to find Niall.

You searched all over, but couldn't find him.

You got to a door that was slightly open.

Slowly opening it, you saw it was a hallway.

You went inside and shut the door, the door shuted out the music so it was quiet in there.

"Niall." You gulped


You decided to give him a call and continue walking around in the hallway.

He finally picked up after a couple of rings.

"You noticed huh." He sighed

"Why wouldn't I? Where are you?" You questioned

"Did you find the little hallway?" He spoke, his voice getting a little louder

Maybe he was close by, you thought, "yeah."

"Go to your right , and then straight, then a left." After he gave you the directions he hung up.

You took off your heels, eager to find him and started running.

Once you followed his directions, you saw him sitting down, his back against the wall with his eyes closed.

"Niall." You spoke quietly walking closer to him.

"Hi." He whispered.

You kneeled in front of him and put your hand on his knee.

"Why'd you leave?" You pouted

"He thinks your his." He laughed humorously.

"Huh?" You asked confused.

"Luke. He thinks your his but no. Your mines (Y/N). Got that?" He growled standing up.

You stood up with him, a bit frightened.

"Are you? Or are you Luke's?.." He asked, his voice softening.

"I-I don't know." You whispered

He embraced you into a hug and kissed the top of your head.

You two stood there in silence.

"We should probably go back." You spoke, pulling away from him.

He nodded and started to walk in front of you.

"Niall." You said, standing in place

He turned around to face you, "Yeah?"

You didn't say anything but walk up to him and intertwined your fingers together," I'm yours."


Yaaaaaas. My sister gave me the idea :P

Anyways hope you enjoyed!


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