The "Talk"

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I feel so bad because I haven't updated I forever 😩 IM SO SORRY

••• idea credit to : @mylahfaith •••

** btw this is going to be just Niall and your daughter **


"Sweetie come down here!" I yelled and at down on the couch in the living room.

"Yeah dad?" My daughter came into the room, half of her hair curled and the other straight.

"Were you curling your hair?" I asked tilting my head to the side.

"Uh yeah kinda." She rolled her eyes," So what's up?"

"Come sit down."

Sighing she came down at sat on the opposite side of the couch," Whatever it was, I didn't do it."

"You're not in trouble." I chuckled.

"Oh okay then.. What's going on?"

"Your mom told me what's going on.. And since she's on a business trip she asked me to talk to you about it."

"Is it about..."

"Periods and boyfriends."

"Oh gosh." She turned red and hid her face in her hands.

"Now for be embarrassed, every girl goes through those things." I started not really knowing what to say about this.

"Can't we just wait for Mom to come home?" She groaned.

"She wanted me to talk to you, so I'm going to talk to you." I explained," okay now, I know you girls bleed out and you're almost dying..."


"But it's perfectly normal, you're at that age where that happens and you have to wear things that are like diapers..."

"No no please..."

"And now about the boyfriends..." I said looking at her, hopefully I was looking serious.

"What?" She asked crossing her arms.

"None until I'm dead. Got it? Okay not go finish your hair."

She shook her head, still a little bit red and quickly left te room.

"Good job Niall, embarrass your daughter.. Check!"


It's been a while.. What have You guys been up to?

Comment " KRUSTY KRAB PIZZA IS THE PIZZA FOR YOU AND ME " if I should end Niall Horan Imagines and start another boy.


Comment, " IF YOU LOVE ME LET ME GOOOOOO " If I should make a Niall Horan Imagines 2 .


Oh and check out my books ' Hemmings Twins ' 😉


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